Dementors Progenitor - A Skill that shouldn't exist!

The sudden silence that followed Kai's rattling roar became an abyss-like pit.

The addition of 6 points in his Breath out of the Set Quota's purview was already something to be elated about. This notification that he had never hoped for jolted him alive, his icy breath speeding up, his heartbeat booming.

Kai's eyes under the dark hood had become two hazel-colored gems embedded in his rotten skull. He just couldn't tear his gaze off whatever he was seeing, reading, thinking, and feeling.

Cersei was still in his embrace, so she felt it even more. Never had she seen Kai so... agitated. Her green eyes gained a grave look, her thoughts full of concern and doubts.

Only a full 5 minutes later did Kai take a deep rattling breath, his grip on Cersei's waist tightening. -... can it be done? - he hissed, his voice shaking. -Can you do it?-

No one could even understand what he was saying. Much less needed to be said about knowing to whom he had asked those questions.

An evil cackle answered Kai, gaining a sharp edge with every passing moment.

-Keke!- the Sword Spirit, Ayin, cackled, her hisses piercing into Kai's mind and soul. -Things sure took an unexpected turn, eh? Who would have thought the conditions to activate this Skill would be... Keke! Hmm... If I burn my source, I can provide you enough Mana. But, then, I will have to hibernate to recover, and you will not be able to communicate with me for a couple of years.-

Kai's gaze became incredibly hard as if he was ruminating over a decision that could dictate life and death. -30 points in Intelligence and Breath won't happen overnight,- he hissed, his ripped black cloak billowing noiselessly behind him. -A couple of years is not an issue. But... -

Kai couldn't complete his words, as the Sword Spirit had already burst out with a hideous cackle.

-Worried about the Skill's Warning?- Ayin hissed in Kai's mind. -Well, you are already marked. Things wouldn't possibly worsen more than that, would they? Kai, are you really going to pass up on an opportunity like this? It will be such a disappointment...-

The Reality Marble had thinned out to such a degree that it felt like a layer of dust left behind by a sandstorm.

Saying that it was on its last legs wasn't even enough to show its dwindling strength. This Blood World had already become the last flicker of a candle that was about to go out.

Passing up on this chance... would truly be an unprecedented disappointment, Kai knew.

No matter the consequences.

-You... are right,- Kai's hiss came out with a defying resolve, his evil aura churning around him once again. -Let's do it.-

-Keke!- Ayin cackled like a psychotic maniac. -What a Blood Demon!-

The two curved heavy swords swirling behind Kai suddenly began burning with blood flames, as if someone had poured oil over them before lighting them up.

In the next instant, the flames died, and in their place, two katanas appeared.

With just a thought, Kai put them away and took a deep breath, steeling his nerves, and bringing his mind to an optimum state.

On the ground, Red Sun and Moraine could only gawk at this sudden silent picture, knowing not what kind of shocking and horrifyingly repulsive things were about to happen.

The Sword Spirit appeared behind Kai, her long, yellow hair tumbling and swaying from head to knees. Her lean figure seemed to be the embodiment of everything dark in the world. And when she hovered midair with her spine straight, it felt like she was the overlord, her might supreme and unquestionable.

Ayin lifted her long-clawed hands and put on Kai's cloaked back.

-Keke!- the Sword Spirit cackled, her hisses entering Kai's ears like needles. -Ready?-

Kai gulped, his heart throbbing half with vile ecstasy and half with great dread. -Ready... I think I have always been...-


Ayin didn't give Kai the chance to finish his words. The entire length of her long hair almost lifted as if a yellow-colored waterfall had suddenly changed direction, aiming for heaven.

Endless Mana exploded out of her, entering Kai, forcing him to let out a sky-shaking, rattling roar.

Kai could feel Ayin's existence vanishing, melting into the world, but he couldn't even think properly.

In just a few seconds, the bluish-yellow MP soared up and down, linking the blood ocean to the night sky and the constellation that was rippling like a mirage.




And it was rising and rising, crossing the boundary that had already felt heaven-defying to Kai before. There was no pleasure in this. Not anymore.

This amount of Mana was enough for him to make him explode a hundred times over.

'Stop...' Kai roared in his mind. 'Stop... STOP!!!'

-Keke! Be careful what you wish for-

Ayin's hisses still carried a sharp edge of mockery, but her voice felt like coming from millions of miles away. It was low enough to proclaim that it was coming from the past itself.

Even her very figure had gone blurry, becoming incredibly transparent.





Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

Space-tears rained down all over the Inner World, black and blue lightning bolts rumbling, hacking at the blood ocean with the fury of gods, demons, and devils alike.

-Do it, now,- Ayin hissed with a tone of urgency. -Activate it, you fool! I… can't…-

Everything had gained a touch of blue in Kai's mind. The sky had vanished, stars and their starry light gone, and even the sounds had become scarce, melting into his befuddled mind.

This much Mana within his body wasn't a serendipity anymore, but a lethal dose of incurable poison.

Strangely, there was a cure for it, Kai felt, his will to survive warning him of the impending doom.

He must Activate something. Yes. That would solve his problems.

But activate what?

Why must he Activate it now? Why must he Activate it here, in this abysmal place? And why must he activate it at such a cost, what was at stake, what kind of opportunity would slip out of his hands?

-Activate it!-

A hiss exploded in Kai's mind, and for the faintest moment, he regained his thinking capabilities.

And, when it came to Kai, one moment of thought process was enough.

Enough for him to answer all of his questions.

-Activate…- Kai inadvertently hissed, thinking of the words. -… Dementors Progenitor!-


Skill Dementors Progenitor Activated

Time Limit: 30 seconds

Skill: Dementors Progenitor

Grade: B-


1. The Contestant can nurture Dementors

2. The Laws of the Universe prohibit Dementors' unnatural coming into being. To use the Skill, the Contestant must isolate himself using a Bounded Field

3. Dementors are amortal beings. Hence, once brought into existence, they can't be killed

4. Dementors are the embodiment of Despair, Depression, and Hopelessness. The Contestant must create the ideal conditions for them to manifest themselves and then guide their growth, using his own traumas. The deeper the Contestant's understanding and experiences of despair, the better will be the results

5. Upon coming into being, Dementors will need extraordinary nourishment to sustain themselves. The Contestant must let them feed upon his happiness, hope, good feelings, and happy memories to create a bond


1. Soul Points >100

2. A filth-related Ability

3. An emotion-related Ability

4. Bounded Field

5. The Contestant must have experienced true despair before


1. Once activated, a D-Meter will be accessible to the Contestant.

2. The D-Meter will show an abstruse value of the Despair, Depression, and Hopelessness lingering within the boundaries of the Bounded Field

3. Consuming D-Meter Points and MP, the Contestant can bring a Dementor into being

4. Dementors will have d-meters which will decide their levels

5. The points in the d-meter will decrease at a fixed rate. When the d-meter loses all its points, the Dementor's existence will be eradicated

6. To revitalize the d-meter of a particular Dementor, the Contestant must let it feed upon the feelings of hope, happiness, and happy memories

7. Letting a Dementor perform Dementor's kiss can instantly refill the d-meter, depending upon its quality

8. All Dementors will have the abilities of Dementors found in the Infinite Harry Potter Random Worlds


1. Dementor lvl 1

— D-Meter Points needed: 1000

— Consumed MP: 300

— d-meter: 100

— d-meter decrement rate: 2/day

2. Dementor lvl 2

— D-Meter Points needed: 3000

— Consumed MP: 900

— d-meter: 450

— d-meter decrement rate: 3/day

3. Dementor lvl 3 - (locked)

4. Dementor lvl 4 - (locked)

5. Dementor lvl 5 - (locked)


1. Skills and Items, based on positive forces, can cause severe loss of d-meter points

2. All souls sucked out by a Dementor will be digitized and 30% of them will be added to the Contestant's Soul Points

WARNING: The Dementors coming into being will bring the gazes of the Deep Ones of Multiverse upon the Contestant
