The Power of Sealing, new Items, and the Inheritance


A massive amount of fog exploded out of Cersei's forehead where the marquise-shaped dark diamond was glowing sinisterly, a touch of yellow-colored stroke slithering within it.

This fog wasn't cold or full of despair. Though its nature deviated little from the one surrounding them all.

The fog churning around Cersei felt comprising countless shadows as if the dead had come back to a life full of grudge and malice.

The shadowy fog swirled around Cersei and then collapsed over her slim figure.

In no time, a skintight black costume manifested over her, covering her from the tip of her toes to her nose. Her curly, golden hair swayed as if they were thousands of slithering serpents, reaching her waist. Only her green eyes were out in the open, shining dark and evil.


With a resounding bang, two giant bat-like wings appeared on her back, and shadows rippled around her, begging for command.

Red Sun's eyes lit up. "Top-level 5th-floor Contestant?!" he blurted, astonished. He knew this young lady had no simple background. Even then, he had sensed no threat from her. Hell, he had sensed nothing out of her, to say the least.

If Red Sun hadn't seen her getting captured by the Shadow Lord, and the Five-Crowned Prince toppling heaven and earth to save her, he would have even thought that she was a King-level Contestant as well, descended to watch over Blood Demon.

So, all he had guessed was that she was a 4th-floor Contestant with a mysterious origin, and the luck to have Blood Demon's attachment.

Yet, the moment that shadow suit materialized, a power that belonged to the top-level 5th-floor Contestant erupted out of her.

Kai marveled at the might of Ayin's ultimate technique, Qliphoth Genesis, and truly felt it was a monstrous sealing method. This power was indeed something he had sealed into Cersei. The same powers that were bent on turning her into a shadow being, Kai had sealed them into her, despite her having no concept of an actual body.

This was the power of the technique that could virtually seal anything.

This… was Parselscript.

"Haha!" Kai laughed maniacally. "Now… it's your turn."

Following Kai's words, Ayin stirred the lingering powers of Reality Marble and Spiritual Awakening for the last time and a diagram of 9 stars lit up on Red Sun and Moraine's forehead, the top star shining pale yellow.

A yellow stroke slithered its way up on that diagram, taking Kai's Demonic Will as the ink.

Kai knew, without using Shikai, he won't be able to use this Sealing method so easily. Ever again. So, now that he had the means and ample reasons to do so, he must not lose this opportunity.

Just as the Parselscript's last stroke entered the pale yellow star, finishing the Sealing, Kai looked at two of the four Dementors.

The 2.3 meters tall Dementors howled and lunged toward Red Sun and Moraine, bringing a biting cold with them.

The moment they arrived on top of them, an irresistible suction force generated from the Seal like that of a black hole.

Dementors didn't resist, holding their ground under Kai's command.

Then they vanished, sealed into Red Sun and Moraine. On their foreheads, two diamond-like marquise-shaped marks appeared with a yellow stroke pulsing in the middle.

"Follow me… Serve me…" Kai said, the remaining two Dementors hovering on his right and left, with Cersei's large bat-like wings flapping nonstop like a devil over him. "… And you will know Power. These Dementors are my Blessings upon you, and they are your Curse as well. They will not feed upon you. But if they were to sense an iota of betrayal in your hearts, then they will suck out your souls, perishing by your side. Haha! You… have no choice."

It was also then that the pressure pinning them to the ground disappeared.

Red Sun and Moraine stood up as if following an unvoiced command. As they straightened their spines, the Sealing mark glowed ominously. An illusion of a tattered black cloak materialized over them, its long, ripped strips billowing without wind.

Their feet left the ground, the ethereal cloaks of Dementors allowing them to levitate.

Instantly, the feeling of endless despair and hopelessness left them, and they even felt that they could somewhat control this strength, causing despair in others.

Red Sun's eyes shone, and he instantly fell to his knees. "I, Robin, swear to serve you, my lord. May the light of darkness warm your bed. May the fog of evil lick your…"

"Enough." Kai's eyes narrowed at Red Sun, but he was indeed pleased. It was easy it work with such men.

Moraine looked down at her body, the black cloak, and then eyed Kai with a complex gaze. A memory of the guess she had made regarding Blood Demon surfaced in her mind, along with her sudden loss of consciousness just when all seemed to have been lost.

At last, she sighed. "I, Moraine, swear to serve you, Blood Demon. But…" Moraine lifted her head, her blue eyes hard and dark, thinking of something. "… I will not go against my morals. Nor will I let someone demean my dignity and honor. You can have everything that belongs to me, but not my body, mind, and heart."


Kai's hand was a blur. It was so fast that at one moment he was still standing relaxed, in the other, he was already holding Moraine by the neck, lifting her in the air, his fingers digging in her flesh.

Moraine choked as Kai's grip tightened, her eyes bulging out.

"You wound me, Moraine" Kai whispered, his voice full of bloodlust. "When did I give you an impression that I am a Saint. Make no mistake. Your everything belongs to me, whether you want it or not. I hate when people put demands to me the most, especially when they presume I dare not kill them."

Kai's grip tightened even more, his every breath giving a sign that he truly would kill Moraine. Right here and now.

Just as Moraine's ragged figure gasped, Kai loosened his grip, letting her fall.

Kai didn't show, but he was extremely pleased with Moraine putting demands to him. It was more so after hearing the matter of her refusing the advances of the High Priest of the Temple of Amon-Gorloth.

To subdue her, Kai had two ways. Either use the soft methods, taking time, becoming friends… Or, use the hard ones. Let her know what her place was, and to not be too presumptuous in the future.

It wasn't the best method, but Kai preferred it.

Fear had always been, and would remain, one of the greatest reasons behind an undying loyalty.

Cersei's green eyes shone with a rare murderous glint. She wanted to kill this woman. How dare she demand anything of Kai? How dare she utter those words in his presence?

Red Sun, however, had quite a unique mind, his thinking process transcending brute thoughts. Not wasting even a tiny breath, he mumbled, "You can have my every…"

"Shut your mouth!" Kai snapped. Then he eyed Moraine, and an evil grin appeared on his face. "Dignity, Honor, Body, Mind, and Heart… As long as you don't go against my will, I don't give a fuck."

Moraine, rubbing her throat, saw the demonic grin and the indifference in Kai's eyes as he looked at her body. She took a deep breath and slowly bent her knees, but said nothing else.

This was enough, though.

"All those who serve me go by an alphabetic code," Kai said, his voice full of malice. "From now on, you are Item-R, Red Sun. And you… Haha! You will be Item-E, Moraine the Elegant. I am looking forward to your services. I will not stop your growth. But dare not take your independence as a sign of my leniency. A fate worse than Shadow Lord will await you, then. Walk behind me… and you just might be fortunate enough to have a glimpse of the Peak of Absolute Power."

Moraine shut her eyes upon listening to Kai's words, and when she snapped them back open, the last hint of resistance had already vanished from them. "I understand."

Red Sun looked at Moraine from the corner of his eyes, and his gaze landed on her plump breasts. Suddenly, his head snapped toward the devilish beauty hovering over Kai's head, covered in a shadow suit.

'This?! Fuck…' Red Sun cursed, his fists trembling. 'Why didn't I realize it before? I… I don't have boobs!'

"My Lord!" Red Sun suddenly threw himself to his feet, taking out two balls. "Here's my first tribute. Magical Creatures can't be stored in Inventory, and those who are outside the Pokemon Universe need these Beast Balls. They both are of Common Grade, enough to store your… pets."

Kai was already having doubts about where to keep the Dementors. It didn't solve his problems, but for now, it seemed enough.

Kai held the two Beast Balls and threw them toward the Dementors.

Instantly, the Beast Balls opened, and with a black flash, the Dementors vanished, the cold fog melting away into the desolate land.

Red Sun beamed at the sight, and then smugly sneered at Moraine.

Contestant Blue Wind only threw a disgusted look at him in return.

Kai then told his new Items about the Dementors sealed within them, and how to feed them, nurture them, and absolutely not let go them unfed over 30 days. Otherwise, Kai had ordered them to suck out their souls on the 31st.

Lvl 1 Dementors would last 50 days without feeding upon hope and happy memories of the living, he knew. But that was in the case if their d-meter points didn't decrease from any other reasons. It was best to not tell Red Sun and Moraine the actual limit, lest they treat it as something trivial.

"I have another command for you, Item-R," Kai said, flicking his hand, and taking out the Pokedex. "Fill it up with as many Digimon as you can, including their evolutionary stages. Item-M will contact you through the Primordial Tower Trade Market, giving you further orders. From now on, all her words are my words."

As Red Sun frowned, Kai sent a Party link to him. Party Members could see who else was in the Party. So, as Robin saw three Contestants in the party, with one Code-Named Item-S, and the other Blue Wind, he instantly realized whom his liege was talking about.

"Do you have HP capsules?" Kai asked Red Sun.

Since the descent of Reality Marble, Selene had been sleeping in Kai's heart. She had suffered much, losing her entire body below her head, and had shown no sign of waking up.

"No, my lord. Those were 3rd-Set's premium grade HP Capsules. I gave all my savings to you… I mean… I lost them."

'What?!' Kai was shocked. 'How much of a boot-licker was he to give all his savings to Petyr in the Pokemon World?'

"Eh…" Red Sun scratched his chin.

"Speak." Kai narrowed his eyes.

"That…" Red Sun mumbled, putting the Pokedex in his pocket. "Can I have a different alphabet, my lord? How about V or T?"

Kai's face almost contorted in rage. Even Moraine felt utterly flabbergasted, stepping away from him as if she feared catching a disease.

Over Kai's head, Cersei giggled, but her voice didn't leave the shadow mask on her face.

Kai knew well his 3-days Time Limit was already over, and his Mission Credits were vanishing at an astonishing rate. Yet, there was one thing more he needed to do.

Kai flicked out his hand, and a nail-sized black crystal appeared on his right palm, hovering midair. It was glowing dark as if there were countless shadows imprisoned within it.

This crystal… was the Shadow Lord's Inheritance.

Kai remembered the notification had appeared after Pirate Lord Henry Morgan's death. Then, because of Dementors Progenitor's notification, he had not given it much attention.


Congratulations Kai Stormborn…

You have obtained a part of the Inheritance

Inheritance Land: Pirate Lord Henry Morgan, the Shadow Lord

Inheritance Land's Difficulty: C+

Inheritance Obtained: 12%

Note: To use the Inheritance Crystal, the Contestant must let it fuse with his consciousness. The process will render the Contestant defenseless and in a state of artificial comatose.


"Take out your Inheritance Crystals," Kai commanded, eying his two new Items.

Moraine's face had gained a hard look, but she flicked her hand, anyway. The tiny, black crystal, representing 8% of the Inheritance appeared on her palm.

How could Red Sun lose to her?

A black crystal, bigger than both Kai's and Moraine's crystals, had already appeared on his palm just as Kai had taken out his one.

This crystal was 20% of the Inheritance, gained by Red Sun because of escorting Governor Swann and Commodore Norrington out of the Inheritance Land.

As the two crystals appeared, Kai used Telekinesis to bring them toward him.

Yet, just as the two crystals neared the one on Kai's palm, an irresistible attraction force generated between them, and the three crystals fused before Kai could even think.

A shadowy crystal, the size of two pores of a finger, hovered midair, pulsating with an evil light.

40% of the Inheritance!

Kai licked his lips and put it away under the scrutinizing look of Red Sun and Moraine.

Kai threw a look at Moraine, then. "You will have your orders soon enough," he told her, looking her up and down. "Till then, do as you please."

Moraine looked back at him, her long, blue hair stuck to her face, drenched in blood. "Don't forget the Promise."

Kai didn't deign to reply. He flicked his hands, and turned around, disappearing in the dark, with Cersei flying behind him.

On the ground, Red Sun and Moraine eyed Kai's blurring silhouette with complex gazes before giving each other a look and scurrying away in different directions.

Kai showed no haste, running casually over the desolate island. But just as he made sure that they had gone out of Item-R and Item-E's sight, he pulled Cersei toward him. "Come here!"

A teleportation vortex appeared in front of Kai as he sent Cersei back to the book, ignoring the blush on her cheeks.

And then, with a last look at the Port Royal, he, too, threw himself into the vortex.

-Keke!- Ayin's cackle echoed in his ears, her voice lacking substance. -… Until we meet again… Kai Stormborn.-


AN: There are 4 Tiers on Patre0n, namey Elder God (5$), Great Old One (10$), Tower Scion (20$), and Tower Lord (25$). The Elder God Tier, as of now, gives access till Chapter 433, well above the tier's promised Word Count.

From tomorrow onward, I will limit the Chapters in the lowest Tier to 5. For example: Latest Chapter in Elder God is Chapter 431 (it will be 433 on Webnovel, when published). So, I will block all chapters below 427, adding them to the highest Tier. So, even if one subscribe to the Elder God Tier, he wouldn't be able to access the backlog chapters (though I have no hope of getting Patrons). Anyway, if one want to read ahead, you can do so at Patre0n. I am still publishing 5 chapters/week there.

The said changes will be implemented by this tomorrow.