Kai's new Stats and The Cursed Hat of Vanity!

Kai brought his Stats and then snapped his fingers, projecting a part of it on a blank paper, using Magic.


Equippable Titles:

1. Poacher: (Status: 10/10)

6. Death's Scion: (5/5)

Unequippable Titles:

1. Traitor: Unequippable (Status: 2/10)

9. Proficient Collector: Unequippable (Status: 26/50)

13. Prince of Death: Unequippable (0/3)

Mission Credits: 380,000

HP: 190

MP: 200

SP: 180

Active Attributes - (2nd Set Quota: 19/50) Unassigned Points: 4

Strength: 18

Agility: 29

Stamina: 19

Perception: 14

Intelligence: 20

Breath: 18

Passive Attributes -

Spiritual Class: Immeasurable

Spirit Class: 20

Defense: 10

Charisma: 27

Luck: 3

Worth: 187


1. Parseltongue

2. Elementary Pokemon Trainer (Proficiency 25%)

3. Elementary Seamanship (Proficiency 37%)

4. Elementary Magical Aptitude (Proficiency 35%)

5. Elementary Selfless Breathing (Proficiency 75%)

Skills: Not Applicable

Glitch: Blood Devour (hibernating)

Items: (many mass-produced daggers and swords of Easy grade)

1. The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Original)

2. Beyblade - Galeon Attacker

3. Pokedex (given to Item-R)

14. Dispensable Mirror Dimension

15. The Cursed Hat of Vanity

16. The Compass of Desire

17. Sounga - the Sword of Calamity

18. Beast Ball (2)

19. Miscellaneous Rent Box (10 cubic meters - 10000 kg)

Pain Factor: 0.5

Inventory: 40 Cubic Meter-40000 kg



Blood Essence: Koffing (magical beast)

Grade: E+

Abilities: Advance Filth Manipulation (Proficiency: 15%)



Blood Essence: Dementor (magical beast)

Grade: C+ (growth: 100.09/200)

Specification: Devour souls to upgrade itself. The devoured souls will be digitized, and the Contestant must fill the growth bar to upgrade the blood essence

Abilities: Advance Emotions Manipulation (Proficiency: 19%)

Skills: Breath Snatcher (Grade: C), Dementor's Kiss (Grade: C+), Intimidation (Grade: C-), Dementors Progenitor (Grade: ? -locked)

Note: A Skill's grade will upgrade automatically with the upgrading of the blood essence's grade

Upgrade Reward: +4 Breath (Not Applicable to the Set's Quota)



Blood Essence: Golduck (magical beast)

Grade: D+

Specification: One of the fastest swimming Pokemon, Golduck can sense the spiritual waves in its surrounding atmosphere using its gem.

Abilities: Advance Telekinesis (Proficiency: 12%), Advance Telepathy (Proficiency: 8%)


Petyr chuckled. "All your Abilities seemed to have experienced quite a growth, except Telepathy, my lord," he commented. "If we add the 4 Attribute Points reward by Chaos for the Side Mission and 2 given by Rock Cake, then you managed to get 6 more points out of your Set Quota from this visit."

Kai nodded. "I had used the Rock Cake before entering the Inheritance Land to get the Book back," he mumbled, twisting the onyx ring on his right hand's ring finger; Jack's gift. "It added 2 points to my Strength. Nothing to complain about there, I think."

"You have also gained two new Stats," Petyr pointed out. "I can understand your Spirit Class to have a value of 20, the lowest. What is wrong with your Spiritual Class? Haha! Immeasurable sounds cocky, true enough. But dare I remind you that nothing comes without a price, my lord?"

Kai's eyes gained a stony look. Even he didn't know what was going on. His Sword Spirit, Ayin, had also told him nothing about it.

'Immeasurable…' Kai murmured the word in his mind, gnashing his teeth. 'Item-M once told me that only King-level Contestants are believed to reach the Immense Spiritual Class. And that is one level lower than Immeasurable. I fucking hate extremes!'

Suddenly, Rintaro began crying even louder.

"Now what?" Kai frowned.

"I…" the insane scientist sobbed, eying the project Stats, "… I liked Afro's Tachi."

'Sigh!' Kai sighed inwardly, shaking his head. He had lost two of his best Items this time, along with all the HP, MP, and SP capsules. And he hadn't contacted Item-M yet. 'Later, perhaps. After being done with all this.'

"The greatest gains are, of course, the Reality Marble, Spiritual Awakening, Parselscript, and Zanpakuto's Shikai," said Kai, mentioning the things that Stats didn't consider.

"Be that as it may, my lord," Petyr chuckled, the sly grin lifting his lips. "I am a simple man. I am more tempted by the three Items if I am being honest. I see gold, and I know the man is wealthy. Claims of riches… don't suit well with me."

Rintaro scratched his head, knowing not what the shrewd Littlefinger was pointing at.

Kai regarded Petyr with amusement in his eyes. Only people like him and Petyr were cunning and blunt enough to understand the meaning behind those words.

'Why count the power when you can't even use it?' Petyr meant, his tone mocking, to say the least. In his eyes, other than the three Items, only Item-R, Item-E, Dementors Progenitor Skill, the lvl 1 Dementors, and the Inheritance could truly be called as "gains".

"Dispensable Mirror Dimension just creates a Mirror Dimension of Common-grade in a 100-meter radius," Kai told them, remembering the Stats. "It can trap almost all Contestants below the 3rd Set for at least 5 and at max 15 minutes. Good thing is, it consumes nothing. Maybe that's why it is dispensable."

"We already know what Beast Balls do," Littlefinger spat, eying the two Dementors with a greedy glint in his eyes. "Pardon my boldness, but why not discuss the elephants in the room, my lord? Captain Barbossa's Hat…"

"Sounga, right?" Rintaro blurted, his false tears vanishing.

Kai licked his lips as the three gentlemen stood up together.

"… And Jack Sparrow's Compass!"

There was a small, square table, pressed between the cold fog caused by the Dementors and the blazing fire in the hearth, acting as the sole intermediary.

Around this small table, standing tall and lean, were Kai, Petyr Baelish, and Rintaro Okabe.


Kai snapped his fingers and 20 MP got consumed. Nothing happened. 'Sigh!' He sighed inwardly, shaking his head. 'Wandless Magic, and Non-verbal to top it off, is just too hard. Tch! If it wasn't for the immense MP and SP generated by my Spiritual Awakening and Reality Marble, I couldn't have been so extravagant about the Mana consumed in these snaps.'

During his fight within the Reality Marble a few days ago, Kai had used Magic repeatedly. With many snaps of his fingers, an enormous amount of Mana had been consumed, without resulting in any effect. In the heat of the battle, Kai had no time to be frugal about it, anyway.

Now with his original MP, however, to cast a spell as per his Intentions, was a strenuous task.


Another 15 MP vanished.

Suddenly, the small table trembled as if dancing on its four legs. An icy-blue light shone around it, and then, with a pop, it enlarged, becoming one-and-half times its size.

It was the Engorgement Charm - Engorgio!

After his return, this was the first Identity Period he was going through. So, even Kai himself had not gotten the chance to check out the results of his voyage. Much less needed to be said about marveling at his gains and losses.

There were no emotions of restlessness on Kai's face, but his heartbeat did speed up a bit, anticipation humming a song of power in his ears.

As the Characters waited with bated breath, Kai took a deep breath and flicked his right hand.

A hat appeared on the engorged table. It was a round hat, navy blue in color, and there were smooth ostrich feathers on it, giving it a quite flamboyant appearance.

With Kai's personality, he wouldn't have given another look at such repulsive hats. But this was not a simple hat.

It was Captain Barbossa's Hat!

The moment the Item appeared on the table, its Stats appeared in Kai's eyes.


Item: The Cursed Hat of Vanity (Named Item)

Grade: Common

Specification: Barbossa's most cherished hat, which he wore during Jack's search for the Shadow Gold, and during his mutiny against Jack. He continued to wear this hat during the ten years under the curse of the treasure of Cortes.

Because of remaining in contact with the undead constantly, the hat has gained curse-like properties.

Captain Barbossa harbored incredible spite toward the Contestant for forcing him to trade the hat. Hence, the hat has gained a Condescending semi-Living Characteristic.


1. A seamanship-related Ability

2. Pirate Captain

3. Intelligence 20

4. Charisma 25


1. Color: Navy Blue

2. Decoration: Blue Ostrich feathers

3. Charisma +3

4. Defense +1

Skill: Blood Mutiny

Skill's Effect:

1. Within the ship, know the location of all living beings

2. Every 3 hours of equipped state, randomly consumes Contestant's 5 HP

3. For 1 green apple, it can stretch the time limit to 6 hours (Slurp!)

Skill: Undead eyes

Skill's Effect:

1. MP 50

2. For 1 hour, increase eyesight in foggy and stormy areas

3. AOE: 500 meters

Skill: Captain's favorite

Skill's Effect:

1. MP 100

2. Curse all who dare to question the Captain's authority

3. All cursed beings lose life essence equivalent to 10 HP

4. AOE: 100 meters

Quality: 100%

WARNING: The hat has an inherent property of getting swept by the lightest wind


The corners of Kai's mouth twitched unwittingly.

'Condescending semi-Living Characteristic…' the three words rolled in his head repeatedly. 'This Blood Mutiny is nothing but trouble, too. What if I am dwindling on the brink of death, and it consumed 5 HP? Damn! Other than that, though… It lives up to the name of Named Items.'

"Cough!" Rintaro cleared his throat, an unquenchable curiosity drying his throat.

A blank paper flew over to the Item's top, and Kai projected the Stats on it. Both Petyr and the insane scientist leaned over it, their heads almost bashing into each other.

A sly chuckle escaped Petyr suddenly, and even Rintaro burst out with a peal of laughter.

"Try it, my lord," Petyr suggested, lifting the Hat, his fingers running over its brim. "Quite a… unique Item."

The mocking tone couldn't have been more evident in Petyr's voice. But Kai was no less a curious one than Rintaro, his eyes already narrowing at the Item. He snatched the Hat from Petyr and put it on his head.

The sight of a navy blue, round hat over Kai's headful of silky white hair… just didn't suit each other.

It was then the Hat trembled, and a mouth-like crease appeared on its round portion.

"Humph!" the Hat snorted. "Captain Barbossa could have put meself over his head more properly."

Kai: "…"

"Hahaha!" Rintaro couldn't hold it in any longer. Laughing, clenching his stomach, he fell into the chair, a hint of tears glinting in the corners of his eyes. "This… is the best Item, Mr. Storm. Let me try it."

Kai was gobsmacked. How could he have ever known that even such a thing was possible?

Helpless, Kai was about to take the Hat off his head when he drew a sharp breath. It was as if someone had stabbed him in the back, making him gasp.

Kai's HP bar flashed, and 5 points vanished from it instantly.

'Damn, fucker!' Now thoroughly enraged, Kai slammed the Hat on the table, cursing it inwardly. 'How shrewd? Sucked out my HP just when I was about to take it off…'

Petyr let out a knowing, sly smile, realizing what must have happened for his lord to slam the Item. Rintaro, however, gave no further look to Kai, almost instantly grabbing the Hat and throwing it on his head.

"Humph!" the Hat snorted again. "Captain Barbossa's hair smelled better."

Rintaro's laugh died. He gently took off the hat and put it on the table. Both Kai and Petyr frowned at this, knowing not what was going on in the insane scientist's mind.

It was then Rintaro turned around and pulled out a wooden log from the hearth, its end blazing red with fire. "It's better to burn the Hat, my lord," he mumbled, his eyes shining red against the fire. "Such cursed Items shouldn't exist."

"Fuck off!" Kai kicked Rintaro and put the Item back into his Inventory.