Observation Haki?! and the Red King's tempting Offer

Kai could feel surrounded by a boundary.

Even though he was only a little distance from the 18th-floor Contestants, this spherical boundary prevented him from going out. And others from barging in.

Despite the Systems' protection, Contestant Aphrodite brought out such changes to him, making his blood boil. The sheer thought of what could have happened in the boundary's absence sent shivers running down Kai's spine.

"We will keep it short," Shadow Origin began. "Are you aware of the procedure?"

Kai shook his head. This hadn't happened in ages, a Candidate getting sponsored by 18th-floor Contestants. Even Item-M had no suggestions or counsel for him regarding this.

"Well," the old man said, smiling, his eyes closed, "we will state our offers one by one on behalf of our Kings…"

"Wait!" Kai blurted, his eyes widening. "You… aren't the Kings?!"

Of course, Kai did not know that the Contestants who had contacted him during the 2nd Stage of ToW weren't Kings, but only Viceroys.

Not every 18th-floor Contestant could vie for the title of King. No.

The corners of Shadow Origin's mouth twitched. "How about… a short introduction first, huh?" he suggested to his fellow Contestants. The others, smiling wryly, nodded.

Kai gulped. No matter how anxious he felt inward, his face and body language were nothing. With his Comprehension of Facelessness' three contrasts reaching over 50% completion, this had already become a habit.

"Wait," Kai said, his voice cold. "I have a question."

The 5 Contestants looked at him, astonished. Anyone else other than Kai would have been shuddering in fear by now, they knew. Then again, anyone else wouldn't have been worthy enough to sit in their presence, to begin with.

Upon getting no response, Kai continued, "Why do the Kings want me? What is it they can't get from anyone else but me, a mere 2nd Set Contestant?"

"Mere?" the 5 18th-floor Contestants laughed.

Shadow Origin leaned over the table. "Have you heard of the Graveyard of Kings?" he asked, his tone gaining a graveness.

'What does that have to do with anything?' Kai thought, frowning. He nodded.

"Then, do you know why the Systems don't assign the Contestants above the 17th floor any mission based on Anime, Movies, and Web Series Random Worlds?" asked Shadow Origin, his back straight like a spear, and his eyes as black as shadows.

Kai shook his head.

"Ara! They can't handle us, no?" Aphrodite answered coquettishly. "Even with an S- mission, these worlds would not hold a candle to us. What choice do the Systems have, but assign a Random World based on Cartoons, hehe!"

'This? S-? That's equivalent to the 19th floor?!' Kai was stunned. 'What about the Timelines and the Deep Ones? Not even a moment…'

Kai couldn't fathom the depth of power they were discussing. This was just too absurd.

But, they had yet to answer his question.

"The only way to survive the Graveyard of Kings is by working together, Blood Demon," Shadow Origin told Kai, leaning back in the chair. "Party. Now, at their levels, the Kings… well, don't go along with each other."

"But…" the old man picked up, his closed eyes smiling, "… if the Kings were to recruit a Contestant, a promised King, then —"

" — then the chances of that King ascending to the 19th floor will skyrocket," Kai finished.

The 18th-floor Contestants nodded.

"I still didn't get it," Kai said, persistent about knowing everything this time. "Do I have greater chances of becoming a King than even you all? Why are the Kings so sure that I will become a King?"

Shadow Origin's eyes stirred. Aphrodite and Jade Beauty looked at each other. The eyes of the old man parted with the faintest amount. And the Contestant seated on the Golden Grand Chair gaped at Kai.

"It isn't about greater or lesser chances," Shadow Origin said, his eyes narrowing. "The presence of Observation Haki under the 1st Threshold is one of the greatest signs of a rising King for millions of years."

What kept Kai from not standing now, he would never know. But he would recall the emotions he underwent after hearing Shadow Origin's words for years to come.

'Observation… Haki…' The words thundered in Kai's mind. 'What does he mean by Observation Haki? Didn't… Didn't Item-M tell me that even with my Instincts, achieving Observation Haki below the 2nd Threshold is absolutely impossible?'

1st Threshold meant 20 points in each Attribute, and 2nd Threshold meant 50 points in each Attribute.

Item-M had told Kai that Perception wouldn't manifest as Haki under the 2nd Threshold and it's an absolute limit that could never be crossed. That's why, no matter how much pride Kai took in his Instincts, he never thought of it as another form of Observation Haki.

A great upheaval was going on inside Kai's heart, his thoughts racing to find an explanation for all this.

Shadow Origin's words had changed everything for Kai.

"Let's continue," the old man said, breaking the odd silence. "I am Ravana, Viceroy of the Queen of the Pink Castle. If you agree to assist Her Majesty in clearing her Floor Ascending Mission, then the Queen promises to assist you in obtaining your Extremities on the 5th Set."

All 18th-floor Contestants raised their eyebrows.

Kai still had to come out of the shock, the sea of yellow mist churning inside his consciousness. "Extremities?" he blurted inadvertently.

Ravana was over 8 ft tall old man, his long white beard cascading down his chest. His eyes remained shut, Kai noticed. And his expression was one of gentle serenity.

However, there was something hidden about Ravana, something vicious lurking just beneath the surface. Despite his advanced age and peaceful appearance, it was clear that he was a powerful and dangerous individual, not to be underestimated. One could sense the raw strength and energy emanating from him as if he could unleash it at any moment. This was a being that commanded respect and fear in equal measure.

"Extremities are the Peak Powers of Random Worlds that can be combined using a manifestation of Perception as a primer," he told Kai, the corners of his lips arching up. "That's the condition to become a King, kid. That's what separates us from the Kings we serve. Or the Queen, in this old man's case."

Now Kai could comprehend the reason for the raised eyebrows. The Queen of Pink Castle wasn't just assisting him. No.

She had just offered Kai a throne. The Throne.

"Of course," Ravana added, "it would all become invalid if you couldn't even reach the 5th Set, no matter how unlikely."

Kai's heart palpated. From the looks of everyone, and the gravity of Ravana's words, he could tell that obtaining these Extremities was no simple task. Not even for someone who… had Observation Haki.

Yet, the auction had just started.

Kai's eyes landed on the Golden Grand Chair to Ravana's left. He was a lean, short male, blending seamlessly into the surrounding space. Though he was of small stature, he gave off an impression of being larger than life, as if he could melt into the surroundings at any moment. He carried himself with a wild air, and he had a carefree attitude that looked both alluring and mysterious.

There was something about him that Kai failed to pin down, a sense that this Contestant was always one step ahead, always one step beyond his understanding.

"I am Black Mountain," the man with short, spiky hair introduced himself, his voice thick, "Viceroy of the King of Gold Castle. If you agree to assist His Majesty in clearing his Floor Ascending Mission, then the King promises you the legacies of Roronoa Zoro and Gol D. Roger. You are a swordsman, right? What's the point of getting assistance for Extremities, when you can obtain them by yourself? Not only that, but you can also select a Devil Fruit of your choice if you wish so."

"That's too much," Ravana frowned. "The Kings had agreed upon the offers among themselves. There was no mention of Devil Fruit."

"So?" Black Mountain yawned casually. "Can't I add a gift?"

"If it's a gift," Shadow Origin cut in, "then why not give it to him now, huh?"

Black Mountain's lips twitched. "Don't have it with me…"

Kai knew not what to say. These were the 18th-floor Contestants he was looking so much forward to meeting? Still, what Black Mountain offered resonated with his Demonic Attitude. If there was a Power, then Kai preferred obtaining it by himself, rather than with others' assistance.

"Ara-Ara!" Aphrodite giggled. "You can settle it later. Let me state my offer."

It's been 5 months since Kai got his new Items, Item-R and Item-E. They knew little about the Kings either, but Red Sun had told him that the King of the Red Castle was the undisputed strongest King below the 7th Set.

The Red God of Shinobi!

That's why when he had first seen Aphrodite seated on the Red Grand Chair, he hadn't associated the colors of chairs with the castles of Kings, for the Red King, by name, was a male.

Now, however, he knew who Aphrodite was. And he expected something grand from her. Grander than all that had been offered to him, and that remained to be offered.

Kai looked at the Contestant seating in the middle of the group, right in front of him.

Aphrodite was an absolute vision of beauty, her curves and lines enough to make a man lose his breath. Her full breasts, ample and round, were a sight to behold, they seemed to strain against the fabric of her clothes, begging to be touched. Her lips were plump and soft, inviting a kiss with every word she spoke. Her pearl-like teeth gleamed in the light, adding to her alluring smile. And her eyes, they were like pools of liquid gold, mesmerizing and captivating.

Her body was a work of art, every inch of it crafted with precision and perfection. Kai couldn't help but feel a pull towards her, he believed that if it wasn't for the Systems protecting him, one word from Aphrodite could push him to the edge of death

It was then words echoed in the Grand Hall that shocked the living breath out of all.

Aphrodite seductively nibbled on her finger tip, her cheeks flushing a deep red. "His Majesty offers… mmm… He offers... Ara! Well, he offers... me."

The room fell into a tense silence, and then all hell broke loose.

"Impossible!" Ravana exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock.

"Outrageous!" Black Mountain jumped out of his chair in disbelief.

Jade Beauty's face paled, and Shadow Origin's pupils trembled with surprise. Everyone except Aphrodite, who was biting her lips, turned to look at Kai.

Kai's breath quickened, his tongue running across his lips.

The offer was incredibly tempting… even for him.