The Slaughter of Blue Death

The dark colors of the dry trees and scorched earth blurred gray and white as Kai rushed to the spot where he had hidden the Smartwatch.

His speed cut through the wind, reaching over 150 m/s.

If he was on the ground, he could have easily doubled it, using the explosive strength of his legs under the effect of Selfless Breathing. But it would have tired him easily, too.

Telekinesis, though, was an Ability.

It did put a lot of burden on Kai's mind, true enough. But Kai's mind was nothing ordinary, to begin with.

Shuu!! Zoooom!!!

Air shrieked, water bodies tore apart, and the Heater Shield trembled under Kai's feet, his eyes hard on this starry but bloody night.

He had little time. Not at all.

Platoon Leaders commanded the camps, and it was their duty to maintain communications with each other every 3 hours. If the other 8 camps didn't hear from the Platoon Commander of Kai's camp soon, then they would realize that something was wrong.

Kai must slaughter as many camps as he could within time.

From high in the sky, one could barely see a shadow tracing a great, curved path, going deep into the scrublands and beyond.

It's here! Kai's eyes shone, and with a muffled boom, he stopped. He was thick in the jungle now, surrounded by tall trees, their branches donning dry leaves like rusty knives.

Kai hovered toward a particular tree, which he had marked.


A fist entered the tree's trunk, and Kai took out the Smartwatch, which glowed at his touch.

"Did anyone come?" Kai asked Smarty, putting it on his left wrist.


Un-Blooded Yautja, Ming, brushed past the spot from 300 meters away yesterday evening.


Fucking Yautja! Kai cursed inwardly. He came back to look for more clues against Ryan, I presume. Heh!

"Open the map and put labels on these locations," Kai commanded, taking out the map issued by the Army. This map marked all the locations where the two Companies had camped today and would camp in the coming days.

Only the Captains controlled the data on troops' movement, so Kai didn't have that. Still, with his experience of surviving the onslaught of armies, he could make some educated guesses.

Captain Frostreaper must be advancing toward this location with the Wights' platoon, Kai reasoned, eying the projected map and rubbing his temples. Without the dragonglass, I am not sure if I can kill them. Tch! Other than the Valyrian steel, nothing is sharper than those ice-swords. Not even the Yautjas' prized ceremonial daggers, which can cut through the Xenomorphs like a hot knife through butter.

Kai lifted his hand and swiped it across his face.

Ryan's face melted away as Blood Demon discarded the identity, his handsome face and enchanting eyes looking sickly cold. He had cut his hair short as well.

The moment Kai was to enter the second camp, they would know it because of the charms. So Kai needed to be more bombastic about the second camp, taking the targets by surprise.

"Trace a path from our location to camp No. 3," Kai told Smarty, jumping on the shield.

And just as a blue line appeared between a flashing red dot and a red cross, Kai stirred the Advance Telekinesis, the shield shooting through the jungle in a curved path.


Camp No. 3 comprised 200 Troopers, too.

There were 50 Animagi, with their 50 Hippogriffs, 50 men of the Night's Watch, and 50 Knights.

Unlike Kai's camp, Camp No. 4, many Troopers in Camp No. 3 were still awake, and over a dozen were still patrolling the camp's boundary. Though, their gait was lethargic because of the last day's march.

A few of them were also looking up at the stars, knowing well that the charms around the camp didn't let anyone see them in return. There was some solace in that knowledge, true.

It was then that a blur fell toward the camp from above.

At first, it felt like a dull meteorite, falling slowly from the heavens. But then its size grew alarmingly, and its speed, which had felt slow, surpassed common sense.

Camp's boundary rippled as the blur made contact with the charms, alarming the wizards.

It was just… what could they do now?


A pit appeared where the blur landed, rubble flying in all directions. Time itself felt to slow down as the wizards, Hippogriffs, knights, and men of Night's watch looked at the creature who had appeared with stunned, trance-like gazes.

His skin was blue, his eyes hazel, and his face made the young maidens' hearts flutter. There was a blood-colored jewel on his forehead that was pulsating furiously, giving an impression as if the creature was bearing a great headache.

And, behind him, a powerful tail slapped the earth like a whip.

"En…" a knight opened his mouth, shouting the alarm.


An enormous amount of blood flames hissed out of Golduck-Kai's mouth, engulfing his figure like a cloak. Six sharp, silver daggers spun around him like six more hands.

Then his toes pressed more into the heart, his muscles squirming under the might of Selfless Breathing, and Blood Demon pounced.


A gigantic crater appeared in place of the pit as Kai rushed toward the closest armored knight.

"… emy!!!" the knight finished his shout.

Fist; an incredibly fast fist, covered in a flaming, bloody gauntlet, ran through the knight's heart, finishing him.




Shu! Shu!! Shuuu!!!

The daggers were as fast as Kai, running in and out of the throats, eyes, and heads with no resistance.

From one side, several men, wielding swords, shields, and spears (-all enchanted-), rushed toward Kai. From the other side, the wizards raised their wands, shooting out green and red bolts of lightning.


"Petrificus Totalus!"


"Avada Kedavra!!!"

These all were battle-trained wizards and could shoot the wings of a fly if given the chance.

But Kai was neither the lifeless wings nor a fly.

The red, flaming blur slithered through the knights and dames, heads flying up and tumbling down in his wake.


"Kill him! Ughhh!"

"Set the Hippogriffs free…"


Kai's punch shattered the skull before the knight could even complete the command.

Cryy! Roarr!!!

A great number of Hippogriffs rushed toward Kai, their clawed feet pounding the earth. On the Hippogriffs' flanks were lions, leopards, wolves, and tigers.

A few of the wizards had used their Animagi powers to transfigure themselves, it seemed.

A foolish attempt.

"Haaa!" Golduck-Kai let out a powerful shout, veins pulsing on his forehead and the mind-jewel bursting out with a scarlet glow.

For once… for the tiniest moment of a second, everything around Kai in a 20-meter radius stooped.

It was like someone had stopped time or petrified everyone in their spots.

Those who were still rushing toward Kai from outside the 20-meter radius circle became dumbfounded.


Kai clenched his teeth, and hissed, his eyes bloodshot.

Then he blurred, the daggers following him with a mind of their own.


A sonic boom rang out, space pulsating as Golduck-Kai popped out of existence.

Hippogriffs' heads shattered, daggers drew a thin, bloody line on the wizards' necks, and the Animagi lost their hearts.

When Kai reappeared, everything had gone silent around him. Everyone… lost sense and reasoning.

"Run!!!" someone shouted.

Kai sensed the wizards rushing toward the knights. This was the Army tactic they had discussed yesterday. In the moment of defeat, disapparate to the nearest camp with as many non-wizards as they could.

Kai scoffed as he looked at them. He already knew it was impossible to kill everyone here. But this chaos would birth chaos, and the Armies didn't know that their enemy knew the locations of the camps.

A wizard ran, sweating, his pupils trembling in fear. A knight reached out with his hand when his eyes fell on the wizard's hand lifting toward him.

But before the tips of their fingers could meet, their heads fell, rolling on the blood-soaked ground.

"Run! Everyone! We will hold him back!"

20 wizards surrounded Kai, wielding their wands. Hippogriffs reared behind them in an even greater number. Over 30 men of Night's Watch refused to be cowards and raised their swords in defiance.

The blue death covered in bloody flames only laughed in return.

A creepy, noiseless laugh.