Goodbye, Island X (2)

The bullet drilled into Daenerys' head, failed to penetrate the skull, but sent the draconic General flying like a stone.

With a boom, the winged Daenerys landed on the earth, creating a gigantic crater.

All super abominations looked at Cersei in shock, their gazes shifting from her to the mushroom cloud of dust, and then back at her.

"Impossible!" Snape-Rayquaza hissed, his voice booming like a roar. "World Shift?! I thought only the False One could do the World Shift?"

The same question was in the eyes and minds of others, it seemed.

World Shift was what the soldiers called Kai's ability to perceive something of the future, adjust his actions, and then react in a split second. In other words…

Kai's Instincts.

The Observation Haki!

Kai could make a donkey talk and fly in 100 years if he wanted to. Much less needed to be talked about Cersei, who had shown nothing but the extraordinary zeal to learn the ways of fighting on Kai's side; hand-in-hand.

None in this world could hope to stand with Kai, shoulder to shoulder, if they weren't at least capable of doing this. Cersei had realized this fact earlier, making her put enormous efforts to make herself stronger.

"I take back my words," the Night Lord said, air frosting around him.

Supreme General Goddess Xenomorph chuckled enchantingly by his side. "Good," she nodded at Kai, a mass of blackness stirring around her. "She is far better than the last time I saw her."

Kai crossed the grounds, walking under the super abominations. "Thank you."

Behind him, bangs and booms resounded as Cersei took on the 9 Generals. But she could handle herself, Kai knew. The Cersei he knew, the Cersei they all knew, had died centuries ago.

And now it was his turn.

"I will not underestimate you," Mewtwo said, his indifferent voice crossing the 2000-meter gap between him and Kai. "Nor will I overestimate you, False One. You—are weak. At least 2000 years more. That's the bare minimum time you would have needed to stand against us. Now—you will not survive."

Supreme General Dumbledore nodded, smiling like a demon. Supreme General Jon Snow nodded as well at those words, his face devoid of emotions.

The Goddess Xenomorph chuckled, a black tongue slithering across her black lips.

Kai didn't look at Jon Snow. He didn't even look at Mewtwo. But he did look at Dumbledore and the Goddess for a long time.

Longer than usual.

I need time, Kai realized. 5 more minutes.

He took a deep breath, and breathed out, his breaths taking the color of blood.

In a fraction of a second, a red skin-tight armor began covering him, starting from his right hand. It streaked up his elbow, rushed past his shoulders, and covered his chest, face, and left arm entirely.

And then it went down.

Waist. Knees. Feet. It covered him all.

Two curved horns rose on his head as the red armor hid his white hairs within it, his old eyes glinting red behind the eye slits.

Kai had already achieved Constant Breathing 50 years ago. He could maintain Selfless Breathing even while asleep.

However, shockingly, the Proficiency of the Ability hadn't budged a single percentage after becoming an Advance Ability.

At first, it had puzzled Kai. Not anymore. He knew what he had been missing to improve the Ability.

It was then his shadow rippled.

Murasame thrummed, gripped in Kai's left hand.

Sounga sighed. The marble at its hilt glowed purple in broken flashes as if the evil dragon wanted to say something. Kai's fingers wrapped around its hilt, making the spirit sigh again.

Now stood the Blood Demon in front of the Supreme Generals. No one could tell if he was old or young with the Blood Flames coating on him. No one could see the look in his eyes or the vanished smile on his face.



A knee struck Kai's back, sending him flying toward the darkening sky. When had the Goddess Xenomorph moved? Who could tell? No one.

The Night Lord appeared over Kai, wielding a longsword made of ice, and hacked. The entire world failed to heed Kai's command, refusing to shift, no matter how much he commanded it.

Kai traced the path of a red blur and found Mewtwo appearing in his path, his eyes glowing blue.

It was as if the weight of an entire mountain landed on Kai's chest. The red armor cracked, sending Kai flying like a missile in the other direction.

"Avada Kedavra!" A massive green lightning bolt hurled out of Dumbledore's Elder Wand.

And Murasame licked Kai's skin.

Power coursed through his veins, now stronger than ever. He wouldn't need 5 minutes, it felt. 2 were enough.

Cursed tattoos ran down his body, his old hair becoming red, along with his white sclera. Kai blurred, dodging the spell, and appeared over Dumbledore's head.

Goddess Xenomorph's kick arrived first, landing right on his temple.


~You must not make haste, son,~ his mother had said; the memory was as fresh as the taste of blood in his mouth. ~A decision in haste is an enemy for life.~

Mewtwo's psych attack.


~For power, men tend to become someone they once hated the most.~

Jon Snow's slash.


~Aim for stability, son. That's the only way to avoid this cycle.~

Dumbledore's spells.


~A snake must learn to wait. It must wait as long as it is needed, and more.~

And Goddess' punch.


~You must never reveal your thoughts, son.~

Bang! Shriek! Crack!


A Force Field disintegrated his armor. An ice sword hacked off his right arm, and Sounga roared in anger. A Spell hit him on the chest, broke his bones, flesh splitting apart, blood splattering like a fountain.

A punch landed on his face, on his left eye.



"One against four?" Goddess Xenomorph's voice penetrated the darkness of thoughts. "You never stood a chance, False One."

"Cough! Cough!" Kai, old and broken, crawled out of the crater, and somehow pushed himself up, coughing out blood.

Gone were platings of his proud armor, in minutes. Gone were his right hand and left eye. And gone were his breaths.

He looked at the sky, whatever little he could look at, panting for air; for something.

In the distance, he felt the super abominations overpowering Cersei. One against ten? She never stood a chance.

Even far, he could sense Selene getting hit by dozens of spells. He could hear her defiant hisses, her longing. One against 50? She never stood a chance.

~Life is full of ironies.~

"Yes… mother," Kai said absentmindedly, making the Supreme Generals frown. "It sure is."

He took a step. Stumbled, but held on.

"Kill… Kill… Kill… Kill…" Kai sang, his long red hair sticking to his face, drenched in blood. "One way. One path. One winding road. That's… all I saw. The only way to… reach to the top."

Kai gulped. One more step. Something, somewhere, broke, blood seeping out of his mouth.

"Kill… Hahaha!" He laughed, but it lacked substance. A crucial thing was missing. An emotion. "I wasn't right. But… I wasn't wrong… either. I must kill more. I must… kill… all."

~Put your heart into it, son. If you want to run; If you want to jump; If you want to learn; And, God forbid, if you want to kill… then do it with joy in your heart. You must.~

"Today—I want to kill, too, mother," Kai said, smiling, looking up; dying. "But… Today…

… Today I will kill without joy."

Selfless Breathing…

In the distance, quite far, where a bloodied Selene was fighting 40 abominations (-10 dead-), something strange happened. Out of the 10 Commanders, who Kai had looked at and had commented on, 9 were still alive.

Now they suddenly trembled.

In their eyes, in those hideous pupils, images of two yellow Crystals flashed, bobbing up and down, rotating.

One moment, they were attacking like beasts at Selene. In the other, they turned on their fellow soldiers, killing one each instantaneously.

Your mind cannot handle the pressure, Samurai Jack had told him. Your consciousness will break down.

Cersei had already gone blurry, almost on the brink of vanishing.

It was then four super abominations trembled, the same ones at whom Kai had looked.

Snape-Rayquaza, Lily-Xerneas, Voldemort-Ho-oh, and Daenerys-Drogon, now barely alive with a hole in her head.

In their eyes, two yellow Crystals flashed, one each in a pupil.

Voldemort, Snape, and Lily cast a killing curse, instantly killing 3 other super abominations.

Daenerys became a ray of sunlight, ripping apart another 2 by herself.

You must achieve Constant Breathing first, Samurai Jack had added. You will also need at least 100 Crystals in your subconscious.

Mewtwo was still registering the shock of the sight he was looking at, when a long tail penetrated his chest, ignoring the psych field around him.

On the other side, a shard of Dragonglass shot out of the Elder Wand and entered Jon Snow's throat. The Night Lord crumbled in an instant, his cold eyes wide open to the last moment.

The two dead Supreme Generals left behind Goddess Xenomorph and Dumbledore, four yellow Crystals flashing in those pairs of eyes.

This slaughter had arrived so suddenly, and so unexpectedly, that when it was over, the entire world gawked with its mouth open, failing to believe what just happened.

Kai's one eye moved up toward the sky; that vastness. Slowly, he rose, gliding up and up, the wind licking the blood off his face, drying his bloodied, red hair.

The stagnant Proficiency of Advance Selfless Breathing shot up, rising along with him.






The sun had all but set, a touch of redness peeking over the horizon.

Kai looked at it, taking a deep breath of air. "Peak… of… Absolute Power" he mumbled, smiling. "Beautiful indeed"

… Second Transformation —

— Joyless Slaughter!!!


AN: If you are enjoying the work, then you can support me at Patr-eon or at Ko-fi. Links are available in synopsis. Enjoy!!!