1st Threshold - The Rise of Kai Stormborn!!! (4)

Note: Once the revamped version reaches a certain point, most probably the end of the 2nd volume, I will only continue with it. So, if you are bored to death someday, try the new one out. The basic plot is same, but there are also some core changes, which might influence your reading experience, making it better.


Chapter Begins:

The entire world within the Limitless Blood Firmament had gone eerie silent.

Silent… except for the high-pitched, demonic laugh of the Upper Rank Six demon. Daki's mountain-sized Resurreccion Second Stage's form hummed and buzzed along with her boisterous guffaws, her bloodied obi sashes flailing in all directions.

"Puny…" Daki stuttered, holding her stomach, her flesh already regenerated. "… Haha! Puny thing… thought he bested us, big brother…"

"Haa-haa-haaaa!" the squirming flesh embedded within Daki's chest, Gyutaro, growled out a hideous laugh of his own.

"Were you… Oh! I must control myself…" Daki wiped the teas from the corners of her eyes, panting for breath, but still laughing. "Were you the one who ended Akaza? Haha! That moron… got killed by an imbecile…"

Hundreds of meters away from Daki, floating on the sheet of the blood ocean, was a torn figure.

Limbs… gone.

Chest… gone.

Neck… gone.

Head… gone.

It was just a charred mass, still held together by strings of flesh.

No matter how much one were to look, even the mightiest would fail to point out a single organ or bone that had remained whole.

No matter how powerful Regeneration was, it wasn't that powerful, either.

But… things had changed.


"Rebooting System…" the Ad Infinitum beeped, squirming like a yellow mass of Nebula containing thousands of stars, all letting out an even more yellowish glow.

"Uhh… So shall we continue… Pff!" Daki smacked her thighs, her voice reverberating all across the Reality Marble.


"Activating Biokinesis…" the Ad Infinitum beeped again.

Daki's laugh died, leaving behind a flashy smirk. "For a moment there…" she said, looking down at Kai's leftovers, "I thought you were… Huh! That's all you were though… pathetic worm from some dumpster!"


"Burning stored Calorific energy…" the Ad Infinitum beeped a last time.

Daki opened her thin, lustrous lips to let out another barrage of insults, but suddenly her entire mountain-like body, including her obi sashes, paused.

The entire Reality Marble quaked.

The blood ocean boiled, waves upon waves crashing and hurling themselves over each other as if multiple tsunamis had arrived from nowhere.

Daki's eyes almost popped out as she saw the mass of flesh lifting by itself from the blood ocean and coming to rest high in the sky above her line of sight.

Flesh churned, squirmed, and bones rubbed together.

With a soundless pop, a being donned in skin-tight blood coating from head to toe appeared there, the ends of his long white-hair glowing yellow.


Daki's heart gave out, a dense foreboding replacing her entire sense of victory and pride.

"… talk too much."



Ethereal, yellow bolts of lightning cracked and thundered across the Limitless Blood Firmament as Kai's Conqueror Haki let itself loose.

With a bang, Daki's knees shattered as if someone had thrown an entire world on her mountainous figure.


Daki's ears burst apart, blood foamed in her mouth.

How dare you question me?!

The squirming mass on Daki's chest vomited green-yellow pus, white foam dripping off Gyutaro's hideous mouth.

"NO!!!" Daki, and Gyutaro, both cried together, resisting the Will of a Conqueror… and the King of Demons.

Supreme Sounga and Limitless Murasame landed in Kai's hands as he observed Daki's changes and her struggle. Even with his Conqueror Haki, it would have been a tremendous stretch to make an Upper Rank Demon submit.

But, against the demons, Kai now had something else to pair up with his own Will.



Skill: Demon Manipulation

Grade: C

Specification: Manipulate all things under the effect of Demonic forces in the Multiverse



 1. Intelligence >20

 2. Charisma >30

 3. One's own Demonic Attitude

Attributes: Contestant's Will must be stronger than the target's



 1. Command or Manipulate living and non-living demonic beings across the Multiverse

 2. Immunity from the adverse effects of all such Demonic forces and beings



 1. If the target is in control of another force or being, then using the Skill on it will warn the original owner

 2. If the target's owner's Will is much stronger than the Contestant's, then the Skill will fail



As per the Skill's Attribute, Kai's Will was already stronger than Daki's and Gyutaro's despite their enhanced strength. The thing was, the Upper Rank Six demon also had Muzan's consciousness within their minds.

So Kai's Demon Manipulation wasn't only trying to make Daki submit, but it was also fighting off Muzan's imprint.

It didn't take much time to figure out which had the upper control in this tug-of-war, though.

Kai sensed his Skill failing and shook his head.

"I will… end you… Ahhhhhhhh!"

Daki let out an inhumane shout, cracks appearing over her skull. Bones shattered within her body and flesh squirmed. Her white body inflated, becoming a 130 ft tall purplish creature with hundreds of eyes and thousands of hands.

The Reality Marble had been holding itself against Daki's bloody obi sashes before.

Now it gave in.

Thousands upon thousands of Space Slits opened up as the obi sashes punctured into the space and returned to Daki's monstrous figure in a split moment.

For the first time after attaining the Resurreccion Segunda Etapa, Gyutaro slid out of Daki's chest, leaving behind a gaping hole. Through his unseen, hideous eyes, he looked at his little sister gently. "I leave it… to you… Ume…"


Daki's reply came out with a roar, squashing the boiling blood waves and ripping apart the pressure of Kai's Haki and Skill off her shoulders. Every single obi sash lifted, curved, and gathered around the Upper Rank Six demon, their tips pointing at Gyutaro's head-sized squirming flesh.

From behind, Daki pointing her finger at Gyutaro, silent tears strolling down from her hundred eyes.

Kai sensed Daki and Gyutaro's emotions and sighed. Love…

"I… forgive you for badmouthing Akaza," Kai said, his grips tightening around the two curved heavy swords. "In his ways, he was a better demon than you. In… your ways, you are a better demon than him."

Ayin's black and yellow haired figure appeared in the blood ocean, mirroring the Kai's red and white-haired. They looked at each and nodded.

"Let me…" Kai's smile bloomed, becoming a demonic grin. "Let me show you how the Peak looks like."

Strength: 20

Agility: 30

Stamina: 20

Perception: 20

"Murasame…" Kai called her out.

A black-haired ghostly figure appeared behind Kai, her existence a touch more solid than before. She looked at her master, her face emotionless. Then she lifted the ethereal katana in her hands and… thrust it into Kai's heart.

Cursed runic marks coursed through Kai's veins, trying to end his life. His hazel eyes behind the blood-mask turned red, his sclera turning black. A blood paint slithered down from his skull, dying his hair bloody, their ends still glowing yellow.

Skill - Little War Horn!!

Kai couldn't help but take a deep breath as his body felt drunk on this power. Murasame's Skill had already granted him monstrous boost in physical aspects.

After upgrading to Rare, though, things had become even more ridiculous.


Item: Murasame

Grade: Rare


Can be upgraded to Heroic Can regain the Named Status Can gain true Sentience

Specification: A cursed blade



 1. Can be upgraded to Heroic

 2. Can regain the Named Status

 3. Can gain true Sentience


 1. Measurement: 105 cm

 2. Material: Carbon Steel

 3. Base Damage: 180 HP


Skill: One Cut Killer

Effect: Once the sword pierces the skin, a poisonous curse spread through the victim's body, killing them within seconds by stopping their heart


Skill: Little War Horn


 1. Strength +10

 2. Agility +8

 3. Perception +7

 4. Time Limit: 10 minutes

 5. . After 10 minutes, Strength, Agility, and Perception: -5 points each (for 3 hours)

 4. Cooldown: 3 hours


Quality: 99%



Strength: 30 (+10)

Agility: 38 (+8)

Stamina: 20

Perception: 27 (+7)

It didn't even mention discarding humanity anymore as if that was a given with Murasame.

But this… still wasn't Kai's Peak.


A bronze helmet appeared on Kai's head, and a bronze breastplate and backplate followed it, becoming a Cuirass.


Kai's muscles screeched as a monstrous, demonic power took over his senses.


This time when he breathed out, countless blood flames hissed out, making him look like as if he was a bloody-knight, burning red.

If it was before, then Petyr's Act wouldn't have worked along with another buff. But his tale had also undergone an upgradation.


Story: The Herald of Chaos

Story Status: Incomplete

-Primordial Theater-

Act 1: Relentless Love

Grade: C+

Specification: The character assimilates himself within the Contestant's soul, granting him a Titan's buff for 2 minutes. The character can be assimilated beforehand, but as soon as the Titan's buff is activated, the Act will be canceled after 2 minutes



 1. 2 MP per second while using the buff

 2. SP>50

Attributes: A visorless, bronze warrior helmet and cuirass will appear as a symbol of the buff



 1. Strength +5

 2. Agility +6

 3. Stamina +7 

Note: Updating the tale will update the Skill as well

Warning: If SP drops below 50 before using the buff or while using it, then the Skill will be canceled automatically



Strength: 35 (+15)

Agility: 44 (+14)

Stamina: 27 (+7)

Perception: 27 (+7)

On the other side… Daki's hideous face had gone hard, her hundred eyes losing all tears. The tip of her finger shook, losing a part of her will. Hope was abandoning her…

"Begone...." Gyutaro growled.

An invisible burst of demonic energy exploded off Daki's back and crushed the Dementor into a bloody, blackish paste.

However, there were many ways to make someone hopeless.

Some were through the means of hideous beings like Dementors. Others… were more open, and the hardest to contend against.

Kai, covered in monstrous, pillar-like blood flames, shook.

With a blur, he began flying in circles. Then in curves, tracing an invisible path, but leaving behind beautiful red trail.

Left, right, over the head, and then from bottom-up.

Look at it from any angle, but whatever Kai was doing looked like a… dance.

The mighty blood flames suddenly flared up. A draconic presence oozed out from the flames, burning and pressuring every inch of the Reality Marble.

Now… Kai was a dragon.

Skill - Dragon Dance!

For this Skill alone, Kai was leaning toward putting Dragonair's Blood Essence into a Permanent Slot.

This wasn't just a Skill…

… it was the steps to reach the Peak.


Skill: Dragon Dance

Grade: B-

Specification: A mystic, rhythmic dance which boosts attack power and speed


Requirement: MP 600


 1. Surrounds the Contestant in a Red Draconic Aura upon dancing in circles

 2. Brings tremendous changes to the surroundings



 1. Strength +10

 2. Agility +10

Warning: Not performing the dance properly will result in failure of Skill's activation



Strength: 45 (+25)

Agility: 54 (+24)

Stamina: 27 (+7)

Perception: 27 (+7)

Demonic grunts came out of Kai's mouth, his sense of reality twisting in his mind. With dead gaze, he eyed the Upper Rank Six.

Daki's mouth felt dry.

"Ume…" Gyutaro mumbled, looking at her. "… Let's… meet again."

Daki swallowed the tears.

Blood Sash Type…

The head-sized squirming mass of flesh compressed as the obi sashes neared it. Then with a soundless bang, it collapsed, becoming the blackest hole.

On the other side, Blood Flames roared, taking the forms of endless dragons.

In those flames, a dignified, demonic being hovered, with… six arms and three heads. Yellow bolts of lightning cracked around him like a cloak, space rippling like a banner under his might.

Selfless Breathing: First Transformation…

Daki gently poked the black hole, closing her eyes. Nine yellow stars lit up on her body, the 9th star glistening hideously yellow on her forehead.

… Void Cero!!

Even in this state, Kai almost lost the sight of the incoming attack. However, almost was still almost.

As the black beam of utter destruction came toward Kai, he pressed his legs, stepping onto the space itself.

Then, with a bang, he shot himself at the Cero.

… Three-Headed Vritra!!


A red draconic beam met the black beam of nothingness… and ripped it apart like old, crumpled papers.

This wasn't the end, though.

As Kai came out on the other side, still burning under the blood flames, he brought the sword together and hacked.

Path of the Ascending Flames…

Cursed Black and Purple flames shot out like supersonic missiles from Supreme Sounga and Limitless Murasame.


In an instant, they reached the mountain-sized monster, and climbed like, coiling like a snake.

And when they reached the 9th star on Daki's forehead, a black-purple-yellow glow burst out, sealing her entire existence.

… Qlipoth Genesis!!!


AN: Break Tomorrow!

You can access up to 21 Chapters ahead of WN on Patre0n and Ko-Fi. Links available in Synopsis.

Mass Release Goal Progress: 70%...