Chapter three

I stood in front of the mirror. I used my fingers to trace the scar that had formed at the base of my neck down to my back. I fisted my hands into a knuckle grabbing my bag. I went to class ignoring all the stares. I opened the door to my class.


I gasped wiping the water off my face. I made my way to my seat ignoring all the laughter. I could see from the corner of my eyes the culprit he was high-fiving his crew at the back. Just because he had rich parents he thought he could get away with everything. I cautiously sat down on my chair preparing to feel the hard floor on my butt but nothing happened. soon after class I found out glue had been on my chair. And obviously, they were waiting for my disgrace and they weren't getting their show. I sat down waiting for lunchtime, disappointed by the fact I was going to miss it. I was finally able to cut the skirt out leaving my thighs exposed and pulling to my front I used my bag to block the view Avoiding any passersby. I scurried down the hallway hoping to get to the library fast before anyone sees me. I turned into a corner going down. but some girls blocked my way. I looked up at them going to the side but they still blocked me I recognized her in the cafeteria the day he poured coffee down my neck she was among 'the' friends that were laughing.

I stood still covering my thighs with my bag gesturing my hand 'excuse me.

"What's that I couldn't hear you, speak louder", her minions giggled behind her. I just rolled my eyes. I tried to sidestep them again but they blocked me again.

"Where are you rushing to, mute rat" she laughed seeing my dilemma, I tried to push my way past them but they dragged me back hitting my back against the wall. I winced in pain wow she's strong what has she been eating? she glared at me whereas I just stared blankly at her, the two other girls were holding me down.

"I've been looking for you," she touched the burn on my neck digging her nails into it. I groaned in pain "it's a good thing you can't speak, that way no one will hear you" she whispered into my ear. I spat in her face glaring at her. I was tired of all the pranks and had enough of all these people. she punched me in the gut. I fell to the ground curling like a ball, they step on my continuously trying to stand up and run away. she grabbed my ponytail yanking me back. I slipped down the stairs with her. It all happened so fast I grabbed onto her as we fell together, I could hear screaming before everything turned black.

Where am I? it was hot, the air thick with smoke I couldn't breathe,


I whipped my head to strange noises in the darkness. I saw a dark figure, his eyes shone red in the darkness. he walked slowly towards me, I could hear animalistic growls coming from him. he raised his hands which looked like claws. swiping down.

I jumped up holding my head thinking it had fallen off. it was a dream. I took a deep breath trying to calm my speeding heart.

"Girl you scared me"I jumped again putting my hands up in a kung fu kinda way.

Anne just stared at me weirdly, finally taking in my surroundings. I was in the ward, my head felt like it was gonna split into two, what a strange dream. tears welled up in her eyes then she started sobbing falling into my arms.

"I was scared I thought you were gone," she said as sobbed, grabbing onto my neck and making me almost go back to my slumber.

" I can't believe he still got away with it", I looked at her confused.

"Oh you were unconscious, well Jennette got transferred to another foster home, and she said it was David who told her to do it".and yh his name is David, how lame." he denied even knowing her and said he had learned his lesson from the first time that ``why would he do it again". I wasn't surprised by that, they got what was coming to them.

The door opened revealing Miss Jane as she walked into the room, a frown etched on her forehead and Man!, Did she look pissed.

"Anne, could you excuse Scarlet and me, we need to have a very long chat," she said as l kept thoughts of what was to come, fear clutched my throat. I grabbed my pad to write but she held her hands in the air stopping me." I already heard what happened" she said making me drop my tab on my lap.

"If you had reported to us we would have solved the matter and avoided any unfortunate event. so you're going to be punished along with David".say what now." until you both have bonded then you will be free".she left leaving to stare at the door. she couldn't be serious right?

Unfortunately, she was but David refused too, one thing we both agreed on completely. Instead, he promised not to cross paths with me ever again.

"That's one way to end a tragic event"Anne and I sat in our room. after all the drama from last week." we should be thinking about adoption day".she said grinning ear to ear.

'What's that?', I asked, visibly confused." you've been here for 3months and you don't know what adoption day is"she placed her hands on her chest trying to act taken aback.

'Might I remind you since I've been here you're the only human I talk to, she tapped her chin trying to stroke an invisible beard.

"Oh, I guess so...what would you do without me?.it's just as it says adoption day, we're like puppies sitting out on display to be taken home. That's one way to put it.

"I did get adopted once" she laughed "long story short I got returned sometime later" she tried to play it off but I could sense it must be a touchy topic. I made my way to hug her tight.


Two days before the adoption day,

The atmosphere changed everyone was looking forward to it .meanwhile I just wanted the day to come and end

The adoption day

The house was cleaned, the bushy garden had been cut everyone prepared eagerly as the time for the opening was drawing near I had put on the flower dress Miss Linda had gotten me at the hospital, as it was the only suitable wear I owned spinning round as I looked into the mirror satisfied with my look I made my way downstairs joining the line behind Anne. after some minutes couples started to troup in looking at us as they walked by Anne held my hand squeezing it anxiously. we performed for their entertainment, a woman walked up to me smiling warmly, I got nervous as she stood in front of me.

"How are you dear, what's your name?" she asked, I reached out into my bag for my pad. 'I'm fine. She seemed quite surprised by my action. Yes, I can't talk.

"Excuse me, ma'am but she has trouble speaking"Anne spoke up for me, clearly understanding the woman's confusion.

"Is she nervous?" she asked concerned

"No it's not that, she can't speak," Anne said trying to point it out. the woman mouthed an 'o' before looking away.

I'll be on my way then" she said leaving, "how dare she ignore you 'cause you can't speak". 'I don't need to be adopted. she looked at me trying to figure out if I was upset.

"Don't worry another person will come," she said hopefully, the time passed very quickly and Anne accompanied some people around while I was left alone waiting for someone to at least look at me but soon enough the day came to an end and the place was cleared some were happy and others were sad. I was exhausted. I went to my room crashing on my bed, I looked up at the ceiling lost in my thoughts, I didn't know whether to be sad or upset I didn't blame them, Anne came into the room telling me Miss Jane was asking after me in her office I went ahead to answer her wondering what could be the problem, on entering her office I knocked a few times before hearing response and entered.

"Oh, Hello there, how was today?" she asked as I nodded, of course, it had to be that question. she gave me a long stare before she continued,

"I'll get straight to the point you're going to learn sign language to help you communicate with people more easily and it will be added to the curriculum so everyone can communicate with you, how does that sound," she asked waiting for a kind of response but I was frozen in shock the thought of being able to communicate with people without them waiting for me to finish writing a word on the tab. She explained some other things to me before sending me back to my room, I couldn't contain my excitement.

Some days later,

As Miss Jane said, a teacher was assigned to teach sign language. I was looking forward to it. I was really happy, maybe it's not gonna be so bad.