Chapter six

For the last three days, she hasn't talked to me. I made some effort to try and make peace with her but she ignored me.

I came to see Joshua a lot recently. He was shy but easy-going and didn't talk much about himself. We were currently heading towards our chemistry class. I saw Anne heading towards the class. I stopped waiting for her to get to the entrance.

"Aren't you coming inside", Joshua asked,

'I'll be right with yea', he nodded as he entered. He had been working on his sign language so he could communicate better with me. I felt touched when I found out.

Anne reached the entrance making a swerve into the class. She ignored me once again. I went in after her and went to my seat.

After the class,

" you wanna head to lunch together". My chin slipped out from my palm as I was knocked out from my daze. "I asked if you want to get lunch together", he said again. I looked behind me seeing Anne packing up.

'I'll meet you there later '. I packed up my rushing after Anne. I was finally able to catch up to her grabbing her shoulder.

'Hey, we need to talk '.

" hey, you too, nice talk now bye".turning to leave I held her back again.

'No, we need to talk, and now '.she looked around sighing. "Five minutes".

'I hate us fighting, I want us to go back to being friends' she tapped her feet anxiously." and Joshua"

'He's a nice guy, I'm sure you two can fix up whatever happened in the past '. She shook her head repeatedly.

"No, no, no…., you don't get it and that will never happen, never". She opened her mouth to say something but decided not to.

'Tell me then, make me understand I would help you. I grabbed her hands tightly trying to plead with her. She snatched her hands away.

" Forget it, just forget it" she shouted. I paused, I felt my heart sunken. she too realized it as regret washed all over her face.`` I'm sorry…. I think it's best to just give it some time. I gotta go".

I watched her retreating figure disappear into the crowd.

In the cafeteria,

I sat by myself stuffing my mouth with Apple, I didn't have an appetite to eat much. I heard the sound of a drop on the table. I didn't bother to look up cause I already knew who it was.

"Hey, I was waiting for you". I didn't answer. just kept biting into my apple, when I think about it. It's all his fault ever since he came here we had problems.

"Are you upset with me" he looked anxious

'What gave it away ' I never really bothered asking him what happened between them. Would he tell me?.

'You know Anne, my best friend '. I swear I saw his eyes darken a bit before he smiled innocently. Creepy.

"Yes, why do you ask" he had left his food now facing me. A certain chill ran down my spine.

'Did anything ever happen between you guys? anything at all.' I could see the corner of his mouth quivering as he tried to look calm. "And what did she say about it?" he asked, picking up his fork to start eating.

'She never told me anything, why would I ask you if she had told me, can't you at least tell me. How bad is it that none of you will talk? 'Maybe we could work this out together.'His grip tightened on the fork.

"There are some things you're better off not knowing". I stood up out of anger banging the table before exiting out of the hall. I headed to my room for the day skipping the rest of the class. I slept off thinking about how much I missed Anne making stupid jokes and impressions in front of the mirror. I managed to push my best friend away all because of a guy I just met. I'm so stupid.

I woke up later in the night.

It was stormy tonight. The dark clouds gathered together. You could hear the wind howling with the trees bustling around violently, you would think there was a war going on outside with mother nature. A flash of lightning struck the room with a bright sharp light only a second longer before it was engulfed in darkness again the booming sound that came after echoed loudly in the room.

I looked over to where my roommate was supposed to be sleeping amidst the harsh weather going on outside, what played was her teddy bear worn out from all years it had been with her a moment she couldn't let go, she must have gotten up to take a drink I thought still half awake,

Tick tock


I grew restless with every minute that passed. She never stayed out too late. I checked the time again.


I looked at her bed once it was exactly how it was before I slept also her bag wasn't in the room. Was I being too paranoid, but I felt an odd sensation in my gut something was wrong I'd better go check on her. I stood up feeling drowsy, I made my way through the dark hallway the cold breeze blew up my garment blowing my hair in my face. it was cold. what could she be doing out this late I kept walking aimlessly around the foster house growing anxious, the sound of the wind getting stronger outside she must be stuck outside somewhere I took an umbrella in case the rain caught us I forgot to take a flashlight, guess I'll manage.

After walking for some minute. the wind hitting my face so roughly I could barely see anything right now. really should have brought that flashlight. I was really worried.


Anne!. it was her voice I ran in the direction of her voice, my heart thumping fast with every step I took. please be ok. I could barely see, the wind getting in my eye.

"Mom, I'm scared" screams pierced through my head as I cried.

I tripped on a stone crashing to the ground. I have to get to Anne. She's in danger, my head banging in pain, what was that memory. I couldn't concentrate. I stood up, my ankle bruised badly as blood dripped from the cut. I gritted my teeth ignoring the burning pain in my leg. I finally got to where I think I heard her voice stopping in my tracks the smell of blood hit my nose. I felt this nostalgic fear hit me.

There was a shed in view. I went nearer my hands trembling as I reached to push it open I walked in slowly. My eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw Anne her body was covered in bruises and cuts. She was tied to a wooden pole. cough!. Blood splattered on her uniform. she was alive, I ran to her side raising her head, her eyes barely opened she was trying to speak but coughed up blood some more.

Run she mouthed but I could think of what to do, I was dragged violently across the floor from her. I turned to see who it was,


I struggled to get away from his grip, but he was too strong, he punched me in the gut making me buckle my knees as I gritted in pain.

"Annoying brat, you've been a nuisance since I came, it's good you can't talk," he said leaving me, he made his way to a half-conscious Anne, "you're still breathing, I'd give you one you were always one tough bitch" he said as he grabbed her by the neck squeezing it tightly she choked

I stood up holding my stomach I rushed towards him dragging him to the ground. Anne gasped as she tried to catch her breath," you bitch, just stay still" he punched me in the face, my jaw cracked, I spat out blood, "you don't know how long I have been waiting for this day, you're not going to spoil it for me".

He punched me repeatedly, my body ached in pain. my body lay motionless on the ground. He raised his fist to punch me once more I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. this is how it ends.

I heard a thud on the ground opening my eyes to see his body on the floor I looked up to see Anne with a club she reached out to grab my hand pulling me up I hugged her .rain tumbling heavily,

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I knew this was going to happen I didn't want to get you involved " she said trembling in fear. I hugged her close patting her head.

'I'm just glad you're safe, but we need to go, he might wake up anytime from now. We needed to get to the house and get the authorities. We got out into the was pouring down heavily and we walked slowly. We found shelter from the rain under the bench stop. Our body drenched and shivering. we need to move it wasn't safe here. I looked at Anne and she hugged herself shivering from the cold. I tapped her lightly.

'What's going on and you have to tell me everything ' I knew this was a bad time but I had been left in the dark now the guy she seemed so terrified about was trying to kill her and I seem to have entered his list.

She fumbled with her fingers before taking a deep breath," my foster mom was sick and had to live in the hospital. We came every day then one day everyone had gone to eat. I was the only one with her. We were talking and she said no matter what I should not call anyone telling me to take care of my foster brother and dad, I cried telling her nothing was going to happen cause she still had a month according to the doctor. Then she smiled. She lied, her monitor started beeping fast I wanted to...…." her words choked up as tears started flowing down. She looked at me. She had a look of horror from the corner of her eye before I could turn. She stepped in front of all went so fast I couldn't see she fell to the ground with a knife to her chest. I fell to the ground in her pool of blood. she looked at me weakly mouthing

I'm so sorry

Her face fell limp, no no no please no no I shook her she didn't move. I looked up to see Joshua standing still in the rain.

"If only she had called the doctors they would have done something but she watched her die, she deserved what was coming to her". He said as he left.

I held her body silently crying, the buzzing in my ear became louder, I could hear my heart thumping loudly as the rain washed away the blood. I clenched my fist my fingernails digging into my flesh. It was hard to breathe. kill. I could hear the voice so clearly. A growl erupted from my throat.