Chapter twenty-one

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The cargo was children.

"Prepare the cages, make sure none of them escapes" the short shouted.

A truck was moved closer so they walked into it.

I could feel something boiling beneath my veins. If not for the gas mask on my head I would have been found already.

The children were lined into the back of the truck.

I managed to control myself and follow the rest of the troops.

I needed to know where they were headed to. 

Some of the children struggled against the chain on their wrists, snapping their fangs at them. Trying to escape.

They were just young cubs.

I calculated the number of men here trying whether I could take them on and save the children. But I was greatly outnumbered, maybe more than fifty to one.

The cub that was struggling, his neck alarm was triggered and it electrified him.