Chapter thirty-two

Just when we thought we had won everything just had to get worse.

I kicked a stone in a fit of rage, turning to Diana

"How many bullets remain in your gun"

I asked Diana, my head in a mess, still trying to comprehend the situation that occurred.

Was it the ferals that took it, no they haven't come to the area since we got here?. It was a perfect safe zone.

"I still have a lot remaining since I used only one" she answered,

I checked mine was also full. It wasn't still enough, I paced back and forth if only I had predicted this. maybe someone should have stayed back and none of this would have happened.

I shook my head disagreeing with my sub consciousness.

No, if only one person had stayed back they would have gotten killed. And we would be one man short.

Running my finger through my hair, what are we going to do?.

I brought out the kill meter, but the number had not changed yet.