Chapter sixty-seven

The study room was poorly lit however the lights were bright enough to distinguish our faces from one another.

Having no window space, when the doors have shut the air around the room grew less making it all the more stuffy. 

It was enough for one person, but if it were to contain at least four then there would be a problem.

I picked a book from the shelves, blowing the dusty cover. I coughed, waving the dust particles in my face away so I could breathe.

"So can you tell me what is going on in a full context?" I flipped the book open, not reading its context.

He didn't answer at first, playing with a small pen on the table. 

"She was supposed to tell you all this, then it would be clearer" I closed the book abruptly, making a loud thud.

"Well the 'she' you speak off is being held somewhere in the woods" turning to the next page. He only explained one thing and that one thing was what I knew presently.