Chapter seventy-six

It was a sunny afternoon, and everyone was enjoying their time at the beach. Some played in the ocean laughing as they scurried about. Others basked in the sun tanning their skin. It was another normal day at the beach.

"Daddy, catch the ball" she giggled excitedly as threw it over her head to her father. She slipped, falling on her bottom.

"Be careful honey, you don't want to hurt yourself now."

She stood up, but her dress was stained with a murky red fluid in the water. She looked up to see everyone screaming 'shark attack' as they ran away from the water.

"We need to go, honey" he picked her up from the water. Following the crowd as they dispersed into the mainland.

Slowly from the ocean river, they came out one by one in slow strides. Once on the shore, they paused as if like robots that had been shut down.

Everyone one of them came out, the humans at the beach ran but some of them paused wandering why they stood in one place.