Chapter seventy-nine

Alex who now possessed the spirit of the red moon goddess in him started to go through the change. 

The red moon goddess was known for her thirst for chaos and revenge bringing tries and anguish wherever she went. Alex was the perfect host for her mark.

He had countless dreams of conquering his brother one day but now it became a nightmare rather than a fulfilling dream.

It became more uncontrollable, his thirst blood more evident than it was supposed to be.

"You have been acting strange these days my lord," Zeus said out of the blue one day. If Zeus hadn't noticed but who wouldn't. It was starting to take a toll on his mental state.

"Are you planning another attack on your brother's pack? It has been really quiet" he asked again.

He had something more troubling now than ever. It was fighting to get out of control.

The voice that left whispers in his mind came again.

Chaos, war, revenge, they must all pay