Hermione went to the bathroom feeling the joys of getting herself ready. She was also quite excited to dazzle Draco again when she would walk down the stairs. She took her time getting her eyeliner just right. She put her favorite shade of lipstick on and twisted up her hair into a black claw clip.

When she was finished in the bathroom, she walked across the hall to her bedroom to pick out her outfit. She looked through her dresses to find the perfect one. After a while of debating she found it. It was absolutely perfect. She pulled an emerald spaghetti strapped dress from her closet. She pulled it over her head and it hugged her curves perfectly. She felt the silkiness of it as she flattened the fabric across her small stomach.

She put on a pair of black boots and the same leather jacket she wore the night before. She was overwhelmed with confidence as she checked herself out in the mirror. She was proud of her new style. She laughed as she felt like she belonged in Slytherin in her green dress. Draco would love it.

Hermione grabbed her handbag and shoved her wand into it. She realized how useful it had become. She walked down the stairs to find Draco already waiting for her. He held out a hand to help her down the last few steps.

"You look brilliant." Draco never knew he would like that color on her so much. She smiled and noticed he was dressed in a dark green sweater that complimented his complexion. He wore black pants and black converse sneakers. The sight of him all dressed up made her weak.

"We match!" she exclaimed as she touched his arm. He laughed and walked her to the car.

"I thought they would have taken it."

"Ever since Harry learned how to apparate, he hasn't found it very useful." Hermione slid into the passenger seat and pulled down her dress that had gotten bunched up. Draco started the car and they headed into town. He found it hard to resist putting his hand on her bare thigh. He drove to a different pub than the last one they went to. Hermione told him she liked this one better. She was prone to get more free drinks here.

They arrived at a small dive bar and saw the neon lights that read "The Golden Rose". The conversations grew quieter once they walked in. Everyone stared at Hermione as she made her way to the bar. They both sat down on a stool and ordered drinks. Hermione got a vodka soda and Draco ordered a scotch on the rocks. Hermione drank hers as fast as she could and ordered another. She couldn't wait to get smashed. It had only been a day but it felt like an eternity.

Draco tried to ignore the feeling that he was encouraging her. He would love to see her clean and sober. Maybe then he could make a move without worrying about it being a mistake. He watched her down her second one before asking for a third. He hadn't even taken a second sip. Hermione wiped her mouth and set her cup down.

"Drink with me" she said, egging him on "It's my last night." She gave him puppy dog eyes and he felt his heart flutter. Why did she have to look so sexy? She could've asked him for a million galleons and he would've said yes. He threw back his drink and cringed at the taste. He quickly got over it and ordered another.

The two of them drank and talked for a couple hours. He focused on her pouty lips as she talked his ear off about politics. He didn't care for the subject but couldn't help but listen. Even when it was too loud for him to hear her, she still had his full attention.

The more he drank the harder it was to breathe next to her. All he could think about was sliding his hand up her thigh and feeling her under that dress. He had never felt urges like this before. He often thought about going to the bathroom to relieve himself. The more he stared at her the harder it got to control himself. He wanted to grab her. He wanted to take her right there on the bar. He didn't care who would watch. He finally got an opportunity when he heard a slow song play in the distance. He stood up and held out his hand.

"Shall we?'' She accepted and followed him to the middle of the floor. The only other people out there were an old couple who danced as if nobody was watching. They looked like they have been in love for a very long time. Draco wrapped his hand around Hermione's waist and pulled her closer. She rested her head on her shoulder. He thought it was sweet but she was really just trying to stop the room from spinning. They slowly danced for a few moments before Draco said something.

"You really do look amazing tonight. I love that color on you." He spun her around to get another look. He admired the way the dress clinged around her hips before ending mid thigh. The color complimented the leather jacket and the black complimented her eyes.

"I thought you might. I put a lot of thought into it."

"Are you trying to get me hard?" he teased her as he brought her close again. "I thought you didn't want me to catch feelings."

"Honestly Draco," he loved the sound of his name coming off her tongue. "I dont really give a fuck."

"Really?" he didn't believe her.

"Mhm. I'm finding it hard to control myself around you lately." her words shocked him. There was no way she was feeling the same way. She gave him a sensual look and put her mouth up to his ear. "Honestly I wouldn't mind if you took me right here, right now."

Draco really couldn't believe her now. There's no way those words came out of her mouth. He felt the blood rush to his groin. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Meet me in the bathroom." He left her on the dancefloor and went into the mens. She quickly went after him. She has never done anything so naughty but she didn't care. All she wanted was to feel him inside of her even if it was in a grimy bar bathroom.

They found an empty stall and Draco pushed her up against the wall. He forced himself onto her. He couldn't wait to taste her. She fully gave into his power and kissed him back harder. Her hands wandered to his belt but he briskly pinned them to the wall. He wasn't ready for her to touch him there yet. It had been a long time since he had sex. As far as he knew anyway.

He dropped one of her hands and pulled down her dress to touch her breast. Even though she had lost some weight her breasts still felt full. He pushed himself onto her. She felt his bulge on her thigh and could hardly contain herself.

"Please- Draco- I want it." She panted as she spoke.

"Not yet. I need to tease you a bit." she almost hit him. She couldn't wait any longer. He started to kiss her neck as he slid his hand over her lacy underwear and began to rub. She moaned and tilted her head allowing him more access. He sucked and started massaging her through her underwear. She was already wet. He took off her jacket and threw it off to the side. It nearly landed in the toilet but she didn't even care to notice. He went back to kissing her neck and made his way down to her exposed breast. He pulled down her collar and lowered himself to suck on her raised nipple. This made her even more weak. She has never been so horny in her life. Not even when she lost her virginity to him in the Hospital Wing.

Draco got down on his knees and started kissing her thighs. He slowly removed her underwear and put those off to the side as well. He looked up at her as he put in a finger. She moaned louder and he put in another. He penetrated her until her legs started to shake. He then put his tongue to her clit and started licking up and down while continuing to let his fingers slide in and out. She grabbed the back of his head. She couldn't take much more and she pushed him back.

"I want you to fuck me." Draco still hadn't gotten used to her being so vulgar but he obeyed. He stood up and unbuckled his pants revealing himself. She gasped. She forgot how big he was. He lifted up her leg and eased himself into her. She moaned loudly as he went harder. He clasped his hand over her mouth.

"Shut the fuck up." She almost forgot where they were. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she tried to be silent. The more Draco thrusted the more it brought on a familiar feeling. Do all vaginas feel the same? He couldn't remember it had been so long. He removed his hand from her mouth and picked her up. He plunged her against the wall and went deeper. He fucked her for a couple minuites on the wall before putting her down and turning her around.

She grabbed onto the back of the toilet and spread her legs for him. He just about went back in when the bathroom door swung open. She turned around and looked at Draco in horror.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" a deep voice boomed throughout the bathroom. They quickly tried to put themselves together before the stall door swung open. A big burly man stood in front of them. He grabbed Draco by the collar of his shirt and drug him out of the stall.

"Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops." he pushed Hermione hard into Draco and they walked out the door. Draco was still strapping his belt back on as they walked back into the bar. They saw the bartender pick up the phone off the wall and they bolted to the door. They got out of there as fast as they could and ran into the parking lot to the car. Hermione couldn't help but to break out in laughter. She laughed hysterically. Was this funny to her? Draco thought to himself. Did she find it funny that they almost went to jail? He pushed her against the car.

"You better be careful Granger, or you're going to get yourself into trouble." he meant it.