Left Him

Stella's POV

When I heard what Sebastian told me I immediately left his condo. Anger overflowed and I am disappointed so I didn't hesitate to get away from him, I saw that he didn't follow me out of the condo either. Fortunately, I immediately saw a taxi outside the condo and I boarded right away. While I was in the taxi, I immediately called Carla and she answered immediately.


"Stella? Oh, why were you called? Are you alright?"

"I'm going to the apartment now."

"Wait, I'm not in the apartment right now. I went somewhere; probably I will go back by tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. How about Apple? "

"I don't know, she didn't tell me that she going back to the apartment. Wait, what happened?  I think you and Sebastian were okay? You even texted me, right? "

"Yea, I thought we were fine… in case our problem still hasn't been resolved and what makes me even angrier with him now is that he told me that I'm immature."