Beware my brutality

 Zain too was surprised at what she just did. She looked at the other one that was screaming at top of his voice, rolling on the floor as he suffered the pain. His manhood was chopped off. She chopped it off just with a little dagger.

She still couldn't believe what she did. She looked now at the other one who was in a struggle for air, as he was gasping painfully, attempting to hang on, as he scarcely held the handle of the blade that obstructed his windpipe. Zain didn't want him to die. She was still yet to get over the one she did at the palace, she didn't want to become a killer.

As she stared at the man with pitiful and hopeful eyes, he fell to his knees, then face first to the ground. His eyes were still open, with the dagger still on his neck, but it was clear he was dead.

Zain backed away from the man. She realized now that she had just killed another person, and with the look of things, the other man wasn't going to survive death either.