
Zain's forehead was wrinkled with confusion, and she wore a puzzled expression on her face. The things Sebastian was saying, weren't clear to her. He mentioned his father, coming to the valley with a few of their kind. Zain was still finding it hard to understand him. Right now, so many questions filled her mind.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt, but I don't get any of those," said Zain to him.

"So what don't you understand?" asked Sebastian, casually.

"Everything was flowing smoothly when you started. But the moment you mentioned Romeo, your father, coming here with some of your kind, since seventy-five years ago. Does it mean that you're not a true Sirkarian? Can you explain a little better?" asked Zain.

"You're right, we're not Sirkarians. We come from a faraway land, far beyond the scarlet sea," explained Sebastian.

"But why did your father leave your land, did it infertile, and inhabitable?" asked Zain.