The Phoenix?

Zain was in an absolute state of shock herself. For a moment, she was totally disorientated, completely confused about what to do next. But then, she remembered that two things were to be considered; kill or be killed. Since her mighty opponent was now on the ground, at her mercy, there was only one thing left to do.

Zain went across the platform, where her blade lay. She bent down, and carefully picked up the blade.

At this moment, there was serious suspense in the atmosphere. Zain was walking towards her fallen opponent, with a shimmering blade in her hand, and a determined expression on her face.

The bald man was visibly red in annoyance and terror. He kept on shouting and warning the giant about the danger that was coming, but the giant remained where he lay.

Zain marched straight to where the giant was. She stood over him, raising her sword high while aiming at his neck.

There was a slight look of hesitation on her face.