Shape shifter

 "Just get me out of here, take me back to the fight pit," Zain demanded, yet there was no response.

Zain looked and saw someone coming towards her. She looked again and noticed another person. She looked behind her and saw more people coming. She later found out that many people were coming to her from all directions. Not only that, all of them were mysteriously identical to her opponent.

Zain's heart was throbbing so hard. This was so weird, so strange, so unimaginable. This was something she had never in her life, witnessed.

The people kept on coming towards her. Zain was so scared. She was outnumbered by so many copies of the woman, and it felt so creepy. There was nothing she could do, at this point, but wait in terror. She felt that this was a chest. If the woman was coming to attach her here, then this wasn't a fair fight. Her blade was still back on the platform.

Poor Zain was scared to the soles of her feet. She was totally defenceless.