Chapter One Hundred and Seven

  Present Day

  Altyrilk was led by Queen Philamora who was, by reputation, an example of sophistication and much loved by her people. It gleamed in the morning sun like the magical castle from story. Perhaps because it held for her the magical promise of restoration to her home and deliverance from the misery that her life had been since Erith had fallen, Tillie thought, standing on the prow of the ship alongside of Rieve as they entered the bay.

  The docks were thick with ships, and they were forced to anchor some way out to sea. Rieve and Tillie, the reluctant Fae nursemaid carrying Sterling, and a handful of the highest ranked refugees descended to the row boats and made their way towards the docks. The morning sunlight sparkled off the water around them, and Tillie felt her heart race with excitement.