CHAPTER One Hundred and Twenty- Three

  Present Day

  They left Yelena sleeping in the bed and dressed in an antechamber chamber, the king’s armour being painstakingly brought to them past the sleeping queen so as not to wake her. Sylvin stood in the open doorway in his shirt and trousers, watching as the gossamer fine curtains around the bed shifted with the movement of the silent footed servants and cast shadows over Yelena’s face.

  “I think that went well,” Macedius observed watching Sylvin as his servants strapped the gold-tinted armour plating to his arms. “She appears to have forgiven you, my friend.”

  “Hmm,” Sylvin was not so sure of either point. “We shall see. Yelena is not as submissive as you believe her to be.” He turned. “Talyre’s force is closest. Anrellian lingers behind, waiting to see if Talyre’s initial forays are rebuffed.”