
Sienna woke up late, after lunchtime. Her eyes scanned turquoise and gold sealing, the blue colour always calmed her down, Tyrell made it for her and she felt happy. She never thought she would live in a castle one day. She felt elated that Tyrell love her so much, he made this turquoise room for her.

The room was so exquisite, but Tyrell was nowhere to be seen. Sienna touched the place next to her, it was cool and smooth. By the way, it looked, she noticed he did not come to bed yet. Sienna furrowed her brows and get out of the bed. She went bathroom, washed her face, brushed her hair, put on a green silk dress, splashed a bit of perfumed oil on her and went to look for him.

She opened the door of their bedroom and found two tall tiger warriors standing there. She looked at them and hesitated. The guards saw her surprised look, so they put their hands on their chest and bow a little. Sienna felt she saw them somewhere."Where do I know you from?" she asked them nicely with a careful smile. The men seem so familiar. "We are Lord Ziran men!" they replied and looked at her with wide eyes. It was the first time they saw Sienna so close and she was indeed beautiful. "Lord Ziran ask us to guard you till you with the Tiger King," they replied.

"Is this palace so dangerous?" she asked them in surprise.

"Indeed my lady is lots of guests here. You never know!" the familiar voice called behind her back. Sienna turned around and saw lord Ziran with a big smile behind her. He looked so fresh and cheerful...

"My Lord Ziran good morning, ahhm lunchtime, "she said smiling.

Ziran smiled. "Good day my lady. I believe you are looking for a king?"

"Yes, did you see Tyrell?"Sienna asked.

"The king is still with Magnus. I tried to retrieve him for you, but Magnus said they have urgent matters to discuss, so should only disturb them in an emergency."Ziran said with a smirk. "I can keep you company today if you wish, my dear lady."

"That is very kind of you Lord Ziran, perhaps another day. I plan to save the king today. What kind of emergency would you suggest?"Sienna asked innocently.

Ziran smiled cheekily, " Emergency can be fire, war or missing queen perhaps." he wished he can take Sienna with him a bit that day. "Would you like to go missing or I can start a fire, my queen, just for you?" he smirked.

"I wish to stay here, I do not want to punish the king with worry about me," she smiled."No fire, please eighter, I think I can see the flames in your eyes Lord Ziran, that's enough. I think I will go with the war. " Sienna smiled cheekily.

Ziran nodded his head and offered her his shoulder, "Let me bring you to the king." he said, "I like to see what kind of war the queen is planning."

Sienna smiled at him and clenched onto his strong shoulder."The pillow war! Me against the king. But please do not tell Magnus of this till the king is with me. Only tell him, if he will try to summon the army or something, I know he is too worried all the time."

Ziran and Sienna started to walk, and the guards followed behind them.

Ziran looked at Sienna with laughter in his eyes."Is she really going to summon the king for the pillow war? What an amazing woman." he thought."I wish I could play the pillow war with you."What a lucky king." he sighed.

"Lord Ziran please make a serious face now," Sienna whispered to him when they were about to enter the hall.

Ziran led Sienna inside the big hall. Tyrell was still working on the paperwork with Magnus. Magnus was explaining something and was waving his hands excitedly.

Sienna could not believe her eyes. Tyrell looked a bit tired, but Magnus was talking like it was a fresh working day in the morning. Sienna let go of Ziran's shoulder and went straight to them." Tyrell, good day my love, I'm so happy to finally find you. I need to discuss something urgent with you." she said in a hurried voice.

"We are in the mids of work, dear queen." Magnus bowed seriously. " You are not to disturb us only if is an emergency." he furrowed his brows.

"Is about the war, I need to talk to the king quickly in private. "Sienna said worriedly.

"Come, Tyrell, please hurry up. "Sienna pulled confused Tyrell to follow her."I hope we can resolve the situation now, sir Magnus, so have no worries."

Magnus stood speechless.

Tyrell followed her quietly, he was tired. Sienna felt he was trying to be a responsible king and Magnus was trying to teach him everything at once. She also thought he was trying to put all the weight on Tyrell's shoulder, the same way Magnus was.

She felt a bit upset Magnus messed with Tyrell's three days with her. It was not fair to him. It looked like Tyrell let Magnus to take advantage of him and monopolize his time probably the same way as when he was Lord Protector.

Sienna held Tyrell's hand and shuffled him to the bedroom. She locked the door and left the key inside the keyhole.

Tyrell was waiting for her leaning on the bedpost. He seemed tired and a bit cold." What war you was talking about?" he asked her confused. He was still in the working daze. His head was buzzing with tons of information.

Sienna stood on the other side of the bed. She held the blue silky cushion in her hand.

"King Tyrell, I'm announcing that I will be holding a pillow war against you!"Sienna said with a serious voice and she throw a cushion on his head. Tyrell caught the flying pillow with his tiger reflexes and woke up a bit from his daze. "Why is this for?" he asked a bit confused.

"You had broken your own three days law." Sienna said with a longing gaze.

"I'm sorry. I did not expect that so much work will just fall on me." Tyrell sighted.

"I know. But you will still pay for it. Attack!" Sienna smiled politely and throw another cushion. Tyrel saw she is not angry with him and just wanted to play so he gently threw cushions on her as well. It kind of made him forget the stressful time with Magnus and all the work. He was watching Sienna's face and he felt good. He woke up in the pillow fight and got a rush of energy.

"What is in for the winner?" he asked.

"If you win, you can do anything that you want with me tonight and if you lose I will do anything I want with you!"Sienna laughed and showered the cushions to his face. Tyrell's looked at laughing Sienna. He saw her body bending down for the cushions and his blood got hot. He knew Sienna had no chance to win against him in any fight. What he is going to do? Win or lose?

Tyrell had a few ideas about what he will do with Sienna if he won and gulped. It was so alluring. But he got no idea what will Sienna do with him, so he was a bit curious. He doesn't want to look weak in front of her, but he wanted to see what she will do to him. He got a great dilemma now.

"If I win, you be not able to get out of the bed tomorrow!"Tyrell smiled. Sienna blushed, "If I win I will punish you so badly, you will beg me to let you go."Sienna glared at him. Her body was getting hot and she was staring at Tyrell's muscly body. She wanted him so much. Tyrell smiled." Can't wait!" he chucked a cushion to Sienna's face. She caught it and threw it back at him.

Tyrell was so curious about what Sienna will do to him. He decided to win to keep his face and lose at the same time. He got a great idea and smiled wickedly. He just loved to play with her so much.

Tyrell started to implement a plan for his victory. He aimed cushions at Sienna, but most of them landed on the bed. Sienna had to pick them up to throw back at Tyrell. Sienna stretched over the bed to pick a few cushions. Tyrell watched for the right moment. In lightning speed he come to bed and lay down on top of her, pressing her into the cushions. Sienna gasped under his weight. He held her hands over her head. She struggled a bit to get him off laughing, but she saw she lost. She had no chance over Tyrell anyway. Tyrell turned her on her back, still held her hands up and stared at her face lovingly. "You won. "she smiled. Tyrell looked into her eyes," All my victories belong to you Sienna. My wish is to give you my victory, so you won." he said and rolled her on top of him holding her hands on his chest. Sienna sat down on his waist and smiled..."You are so sweet my love. But are you not worried about what I will do to you? she taunted him.

"You can do anything you want."Tyrell smiled..."You won."

"Good," she said. He let go of her hands and she ran her finger from his nose through his lips down his neck and his chest to his lower abdomen...