The secret door

Sienna sat on the carved bench next to Sarcos looking at the stars. Sarcos knew a lot about them and explained to her the constellations of his world. Sienna listened in awe. He was so interesting. After a while, Sharchan and Tyrell came to the garden as well. Tyrell picked her up and held her waist." Have a good night Sienna," said Tyrell and kissed her cheek."

Sienna looked at him confused."What? Are you sending me to bed?"

"Yes, "he nodded."Is late and you are up from the early morning. I think king Sarcos also agree you should go sleep." Sarcos looked at Tyrell and nodded. "Goodnight my love. "He kissed Sienna's lips."

"Goodnight."Sienna said confused. Then she felt a hard hand around her waist."Come with me, my love, time for bed."Sharchan led her away from them. Sienna walked like in the dream." Why do they treat me like a child suddenly?" she thought.

Sarcos and Tyrell watched Sienna going with Sharchan. "Lucky snake." Tyrell sighted."Let him have his two days if he behaves." Sarcos noted. "Come hunt with me, Tyrell. I need to talk to you."Said Sarcos."Tell me more about Magnus."

Sharchan led Sienna to his lavish room in the tower. Sharchan had all the decor changed to black and gold, it looked like his snake was deciding on it this time. Sienna doesn't like it much. Her memories in this room were not so good. She looked around and saw a new glass mosaic window. "I would be never able to pass through this."She sighed. Looked like Sharchan changed the decor to make it more like a prison for her. Sienna sat at the big black bed with a golden blanket and looked at him sweetly."Thank you my love, I think you were right . Am really so tired. "She fell on the bed and fell asleep almost immediately. Sharchan looked at her curvy figure. He took off her dress carefully and covered her with blankets. Sharchan's heart throbbed painfully. He will wait for now, but he will mate with her in the morning.

In the City guard watch-tower, Magnus met with Voltoire in his office."Well done Voltoire, it is great you got the queen to secure an alliance with the scorpion tribe."

"Well, it was a lucky day for us. King Sharchan made her too upset, she just wanted to go out. I actually did not even spot Sarcos's ambush, they were well hidden, but I thought they will come for her if we stay there for longer."

Magnus nodded happily."Who will think she will prove such a king charmer."

"I would."Voltoire smiled cheekily." What next?"

"I'm set on the Eagle King, to get his soldiers available to us freely, but he is already too old to be enchanted by the queen. We need to get the Eagle Prince and support him to become the king soon. The pretty queen could motivate him to challenge his father."

"But the prince rarely comes to the city. How would he see her?" said Voltoire.

"Leave it to me," said Magnus."I will let you know when the time is right."

Voltoire got up and left. Magnus sat at his table and held his forehead. He needed to make use of this queen and her charms much as possible. The more kings she can gather, the stronger will be the city and his power too. Magnus had a revenge to do and needed strong armies.

Sienna woke up in a hard embrace. Sharchan's heavy hand was stuck around her waist." Sharchan, wake up, I can't breathe," she called him. He looked at her with his wild eyes."I want you now!"

"Ok, just let me go to the bathroom first and I came to you straight away."Sienna sighed. She knew Sharchan missed her. She went to a bathroom for a bit and then she come back and cuddle up next to him like a kitten." Hold me," she said.

Sharchan looked at her seriously."I held you all night."I want to mate with you."Sienna looked into his wild yellow eyes and her heart melted. She hugged his neck and was about to kiss him, when the banging on the door disturbed them."King Sharchan, Queen Sienna is wanted in king Tyrells office.

"Get out." Sharchan hissed. He is having Sienna now. Sienna sat up nervously. "Something must happen," let's go Sharchan.

"You are not getting off this bed, till we mate," Sharchan said.

Sienna kissed him, "You are so sweet, but that banging totally ruined the mood and I can't relax like this."

Sharchan's eyes turned into slits, and he raged inside." I will make sure no one ever disturbs us again." his snake smiled wickedly." Tonight then." he kissed her hand."Yes," Sienna nodded and hugged his neck tightly. He was so charming, she always gave into him. Somehow her heart could not refuse him, even if he acted up. Sienna got ready, put on the simple blue gown and rushed to Tyrell's office. She saw him there sitting over the papers and staring at the window.

"Sienna, I missed you so much," Tyrell said. "What was so urgent?"Sienna asked him.

"Come sit," Tyrell pulled her to sit on his knees. Sienna felt he missed her so much. She felt he was sad."What is it, Tyrell?"She kissed his cheek.

"I was so worried about you." he said."I know, said Sienna, but it is ok now. I'm here."She smiled.

"This is your urgent matter?"Sharchan stood steaming in the door. The snake was raging.

"Come in Sharchan," Tyrell invited him to sit down.

"No." Sharchan said, "I will be taking Sienna to dance practice soon," he said. Siena nodded."That be so amazing."She got excited. Sienna kissed Tyrell on the lips."I love you."Then she went with Sharchan holding his hand.

"Let's go through the kitchen, you can pick some fruits and eat them on the way."Sharchan said. Sienna nodded. In the kitchen, she got some grapes and a piece of bun. The cook placed it in the paper cone for her to carry. Sienna nibbled on it. "Let's walk thru the gardens Sharchan," she said, they must be lovely in the morning, she whispered and kissed his cheek. He seemed thinking again.

Tyrell touched his lips, he felt Sienna's lips on them and sighted, he could not wait for his week with her. He started to daydream about her, when a punch on the door interrupted his daze. Magnus and Sarcos barged in.

"Good morning brother, Sir Magnus?"Tyrell welcomed them."Please sit."

"You have a lot of work to do."Sarcos went quickly through Tyrell's papers on the table. Tyrell nodded and sighed.

Magnus looked at Sarcos," King Sarcos, would you be able to help us make deals with the Spider King Thurssa? We need to refresh all trade deals and the city is running low on spider silk. I know Thurssa respect you greatly and you met him many times."

Sarcos looked at him curiously, "You can just buy the silk from my merchants. The Scorpion Tribe is the only one allowed to Silver City, where the spiders reside. I don't think Thurssa will allow a delegation from you."

"What about if we send the queen with you? She can represent our city, no?"Magnus asked.

"Maybe, I will think about it."Sarcos looked at Tyrell."You will let the queen go to Silver City? Is she not afraid of spiders?"

"Well she is, but they be in their human form during the day and with you, nothing can happen to her," he said.

Sarcos nodded."Thurssa is unpredictable. Did you ask the queen?"

"Not yet," Tyrell said, "we wanted to ask you first."

"I can send some eagle guards with you," Tyrell said."They can carry you to Silver City faster."

"Make sure to have the contracts ready for me."Said Sarcos coldly. He was still not so sure about this, but he will use any reason to spend time with Sienna.

Magnus rejoiced. To have a deal with Silver City will be great. He went to fetch the merchant's petitions for Tyrell. When Magnus left. Sarcos looked at Tyrell." Why are you so eager for Sienna to come with me?"

"Sharchan is still not ok. I found out he ordered a blacksmith to build and golden cage for the queen."Tyrell helplessly shrugged his shoulders.

Sarcos shook his head. "He wants to hold Sienna in the golden cage? What a great idea..hahaha."

Tyrell looked at him."You are not serious, are you?"

"No," Sarcos said."I will never put her in the cage...But if Sharchan does not stop these stupid ideas, the queen will be more scared of him."

"Do you think Sienna is scared of him?" Tyrell asked.

"I had a bit of this impression. Maybe she is scared only when he is acting up angry."Sarcos said.

"He can be intimidating..."Tyrell said," But he will never hurt her."

Sarcos looked at him sarcastically. "Why did she run to Oasis then? Do you think hurting her heart doesn't count?"

Tyrell looked at him," I still don't know what happened that day, Sharchan doesn't want to say anything."

"Ask Voltoire." said Sarcos."But I think you saw his anger outbursts before, no?"

"Yes," Tyrell sighted."You know Sharchan is stronger than me. I can't go openly against him. "

Sarcos looked at him with a bit of pity in his eyes. He liked Tyrell, but his helplessness let Sienna suffer."How is it, so he let you have the queen?"

"I'm his blood brother for a long time. And he needed someone to look after her when he hibernates in the winter."Tyrell said darkly.

"He is still hibernating?" asked Sarcos."Why he did not level up yet?"

"Ask him," said Tyrell.

Sarcos nodded."I'm going to ask him now. And you Tyrell, should practise fights every morning, ask Ziran and Sharchan to spar as well with you. You need to level up too."Sarcos ordered him. Tyrell nodded, he knew Sarcos was right. It looked like the power in their family is shifting. Tyrell sighted and started to prepare the trade deals. He wished he could be with Sienna instead.

Sarcos went into the city to look for Sharchan. He went first to the blacksmith. He was so curious about that cage Sharchan is making for Sienna. He found the blacksmith working with a serious face. He was adding iron roses onto the huge cage."What are you making?" Sarcos asked him." Your majesty," the blacksmith bowed in front of him. It was the first time he saw the dangerous Scorpion King so close. He saw him at fights from afar and had huge respect for him."This is ordered by king Sharchan." the blacksmith replied politely.

"What a big cage. What is it for?" Asked Sarcos.

The burly tiger was more worried about Sarcos than Sharchan so he told him."His highness king Sharchan wants to hold our queen in it."He sighed worriedly.

"Don't you like the notion?"Sarcos look at him curiously.

Tiger shook his head. "The queen is kind, beautiful and brave," he should not treat her like this.

Sarcos smiled kindly, "Make a secret small door on the ground out of it to fit the queen through and two keys, one for the queen and one for me." he gave the tiger sachet of gold.

"What if king Sharchan finds out?" the tiger asked.

"Have no worries. When he will found out, he will be glad." said Sarcos darkly."Also, design a trellis from all pieces of this cage. It will be not in use for long and your work is pretty good, it would be a pity not to reuse it."The blacksmith smiled relieved. The Scorpion King was a reasonable man and he will protect the queen. He went to work on the secret door with a smile on his lips. He must give king Sharchan the cage the next day, so he needed to hurry up.