The sneaky snaky brother

In the gold and black decorated room of the heavily fortified Snake castle, Sharchan's brother was holding Sienna on his chest. She was cuddling up to him and he liked it. Her closeness made him excited and relaxed at the same time. After a while Sienna lifted her head and smiled at him. He was so similar to Sharchan but was definitely a bit smaller.

"I missed you so much," he kissed her forehead gently.

"I missed you too."Sienna smiled sweetly and cuddled up to him again. She missed Sharchan's confidence. S did not have that. He looked a bit confused every time she spoke to him!

S was not sure what kind of intimacy she does with Sharchan, so he was kind of waiting for her. Sienna noticed and was glad. She had to keep him far as possible from mating!

S did not feel repulsive to Sienna. She felt she can like him deep inside, if Sharchan will be ok and alive. S straightened Sienna a little in his embrace; he made her kind of half lay on him comfortably.

He wanted her to open up a bit more to him."Tell me about your day, my queen, what is happening in Sand City that you were in such a rush, hm?" he asked her gently.

"How could he feel that?" Sienna thought a bit panicky, but she was already in his embrace, so she told him everything that happened that day in Sand City. S was holding her and listened with interest... Her voice sounded nice to him, and her giving him the news made him feel even more like a proper king!

Sienna relaxed and felt a little entertained by that because real Sharchan will just take her in the bed hard and listen to her after...

"You must be surely tired after all this, "S noted.

"Yes. I'm."Sienna nodded as a cuddly kitten." It was a busy day and I really need to sleep."She kissed S's cheek."Is getting dark outside, I better get ready for bed."Sienna smiled at him and stood up, stretching her back tiredly.

"Well, I can keep you company tonight, if you like."S offered very carefully and licked his lips!

Sienna blushed and felt her heart stop."Be merciful my king, I'm so tired I will fall asleep straight away, please let me rest tonight." she begged cutely.

S felt like a strong man and decided to be gracious. "Ok then, give me a kiss for a good night and I will let you rest." he tried to play a bit. She felt so good to him and it made him more confident with her. He stood up and circled Sienna's waist with his hands dominantly.

Sienna tried to kiss his cheek, but he planted a gentle kiss on her lips instead!"Good night my queen, don't be so bashful."He chuckled. He felt the soft energy passed between them and he liked it. Sienna felt gobsmacked but kept smiling."Ahh, this is so wrong...What everything I will have to do to keep this up?"She started to think worriedly.

"Good night, my love, please forgive my tiredness for tonight. I hope we can go for a walk in the garden tomorrow and you will show me around your castle." Sienna smiled giving him tips on what he can do with her the next day...

S nodded."Good night my queen.'" he kissed her lips again and went out.

Sienna stood in awe."What am I going to do?" her mind was panicking quietly." What if he will like to mate? It is his brother...Aaah!"She held her hand over her mouth and felt her cheeks on fire!

"King Sharchan," Ziran, who was still guarding outside the door, greeted S as he went out.

"Be in your tiger form, if you must stay inside for my queen's safety tonight." S looked at him firmly.

"Sure, my king."Ziran bowed lightly."They are so same in this."The burly tiger thought and smiled under his nose.

S glanced last time at guarding Ziran and went out of his castle.

Meanwhile, Sienna sighed and looked into her mirror. She looked bewildered and somehow sad. Her heart was pounding in her head and S's kiss was burning on her lips. She went to a lavish golden bathroom and washed her face.

"Sharchan, where are you?"She sighed.

Sienna went for a bath. She relaxed in the water and thought about Sharchan."What could keep him away from his castle?"She thought and watched her snake bracelet glittering in the water."Where are you my Snake King?"

After a while she went out of the bath, covered in a thick cotton towel and put on a golden velvety nightgown. She went to a door and opened them. Ziran stared at her beautiful picture. She looked so lovely in that nightgown to him.

"All ready for bed?"Ziran smiled and went in changing into a huge tiger.

Sienna just nodded and lay in her turquoise bed. Her tired mind was racing with worried thoughts. She was a bit afraid of her next day with S.

The brown tiger walked slowly to Sienna and sniffed her face reassuringly.

"Don't be so scared, I can feel it," he growled quietly.

Sienna nodded and breathed out."I just hope he is still alive."She whispered.

"Sure, he is. "Ziran poked her shoulder."Your bracelet will fall off if he dies."

Sienna touched the place where the snake bracelet was supposed to be. "Is it still there, Ziran?"

"Sure, it is. "He growled.

"So, why he is not here? What can stop someone as strong as him?"Sienna whispered.

"Maybe he got no idea you came here," Ziran said quietly.

"Do you think so?"Sienna stared into his glittering tiger eyes.

"Yes, I do. We will try to find out tomorrow, go to sleep now."Ziran touched her cheek gently with his nose.

"Don't tickle me."Sienna scrunched her face."You have long whiskers and a tiger moustache."

Ziran chuckled."I will be under the window, guarding you against eagles again."He smirked at her.

"What do you mean again?"Sienna looked at him curiously."

"Nothing, just a joke." he smiled gently. He realized she just made up the story about the eagles. "The kings did not tell her it was real!"Ziran thought entertained.

"Thank you, Ziran. Good night."Sienna whispered and closed her tired eyes.

Ziran growled quietly. He walked to the window and lay down. He liked that spot because he could protect the window and see the door at the same time!

Meanwhile, S was walking into the dark well hidden underground corridors till he was standing in front of the heavy black iron door."Your queen is here my big brother. I hope you are enjoying your long sleep. They say if you die in your sleep, you don't feel any pain, you just slip into the dark cold dream slowly and easily. I wish you dream of her in your last dream."S said longingly and left with a smirk to hunt outside!

S went to the cold forest and changed into his snake form. The huge copper snake swished thru the dense woods wildly till he killed a dear and ate it slowly. Then he curled up in the big strong tree to digest. S was relaxing as he thought about his big Snake King brother...

A few weeks ago, when Sharchan returned to his Snake Castle, he was in a very bad mood. Sienna was stuck in the wetlands, he fell into Crodius's trap, he got tricked and lost his life and his brother's life together with his queen. It was horribly humiliating for him, that Sienna had to stay behind in a bid to save him and Tyrell. And when he finally dragged half-dead Tyrell into Sand City, to call the strong Scorpion King, he just found out to be beaten by Sarcos himself in the misty wetlands! Sharchan took care of Tyrell, but as the white tiger got better, the strong Snake King decided to check on his kingdom. He needed to cure his broken ego and lift his mood in his golden treasure heaps.

His father welcomed him back into Snake Castle with a smirk, he got a spy in Sand City and all the wild snakes were laughing at their king. "Tricked by a crocodile and beaten by his queen mate..." they chuckled in their hiss, spreading the news fast!

"Father..."Sharchan looked into his father's pearly white sharp eyes and went inside. His father smiled satisfied. "Now my rude son will see how it feels to be defeated and lose his queen!" he thought a bit revengefully.

Sharchan's younger brother went after the strong Snake King. "Sharchan, don't rage, your queen will surely forgive you for it."

"My queen will, but how can I forget."Sharchan bit his lips in anger."I'm not even able to revenge fight with Sarcos, because apart from invincible strength, he got magic too."Sharchan raged and went up to his highest tower to lie in his favourite "Thinking heap" of gold. He changed into a huge snake and curled into shiny golden treasure motionlessly. His brother stood next to him worriedly.

"Don't be too long here Sharchan, the people need their king." he sighed and went out.

Sharchan was thinking in his golden heap for a few days, then he decided to go hunt. He walked thru his castle. It was full of people and they were getting on his nerves.

"Send them all away," he called his trusted old castellan Akita.

"But what I'm to tell them?"The old servant enquired.

"Give them paid time out, to look for mates or to spend time with their family or something," Sharchan ordered him.

"But my king, what if your queen will come," Akita asked worriedly.

"Then I will have more privacy to mate!"Sharchan grinned at the old man and went out of the castle. Akita nodded his head and delivered Sharchan's order to all servants, guards and warriors in the castle. Huge numbers of Snake men were leaving the castle suddenly with a happy expressions. They were excited to get some paid time off!

Sharchan's father and brother stood side by side and watched the commotion.

"What now, father?"Sharchan's slightly younger brother asked a bit unsure.

"Wait for a few days and then we do our plan."His father nodded.

"Why wait?"The brother asked curiously.

"I want to watch him steam for some more."Sharchan's father Sharmut smiled wickedly.

Scharmut was a handsome, strong man in his fifties, with pearly white eyes, which glittered as a subtle rainbow. Just his eyes pupils were pitch black, the same as his long thick hair, braided in a long complicated plait, which went down his muscular back.

He was a white snake with a long line of aristocratic ancestors. He was a legendary White Snake warrior before he became a strong and respected king of his nation. He enjoyed his life exactly as he wanted, till his rude son took over him, in a bid to save his savage sister Thyasse and fight over his own mother. Sharmut's beloved queen Chantelle!

In the coming days, Sharchan was sulking, glooming and raging in his empty castle! He ordered a big golden cage for Sienna to be made and prepared her a special space in his room to kill time. He got her dresses, cosmetics, and everything he could think of. Buying stuff for Sienna was calming his mind somehow! He was waiting for news eagerly, but Sienna still did not write to him!

"Sarcos must keep her very busy for sure!"Sharchan thought a bit upset as the time passed.

S came to Sharchan carefully."I can't watch you so upset brother." he looked at him worriedly."I might have something for you, to calm you down and to help you to level up."S touched Sharchan's shoulders caringly."It is a special potion for levelling up," he took him underground with an excited smile!

S opened the heavy iron door. Sharchan stared at his brother. The room inside was light as in a bright day and full of snow."You know this door can't hold me, brother."Sharchan scoffed at S.

"I'm just trying to help you."S shook his shoulders."But if you are scared of a little bit of snow, just leave it. I had to get a freezing crystal from the Northern Mermaid tribe just to be able to keep this potion fresh for you. You need to come to the white crystal and open the little quartz bottle. You need to drink it there in the cold. It should help you to stop hibernating and break out your wings..." his yellow eyes glistened in excitement.

"Why did you not drink it then?"Sharchan looked at his brother a bit suspiciously.

"I tried, but nothing happened." S sighed."It works only on kings." he scoffed. "I don't know how that potion could know I'm not the king anyway."He shook his head regretfully.

Sharchan nodded and went inside the bright snowy room. His heavy steps left deep imprints in the fresh snow which was falling down magically from a bright white cloud eloping the sealing of the previously dark room.

"If I will get the wings, I can just fly to the wetlands and snatch Sienna from Sarcos at night." he started to think revengefully and stopped being careful. The picture of the huge black wings was stuck in his mind!

S was holding the heavy door open."Do you see the bottle yet?" he called to his older brother.

"Yes, I got it."Sharchan's voice thundered. Then just dead quiet elope the snowy room.

"Sharchan, Sharchan?"S called for his brother, but no reply or sound came back! Everything was quiet. S closed the door carefully after waiting for a bit. He felt his heart clench. The excitement overtook his being as he ran to the father.

"It is done."S panted at his father's room.

"Good, "Sharmut smiled."Now go fetch your mother."The old king ordered.

"Mother? For what?"S halted.

"Her freedom is finished. I'm in charge again."Sharchan's father smiled excitedly.

"What about me, father?"S felt tricked."So, this was the real reason. "He thought bitterly.

"You can keep Sharchan's beautiful new queen, no? You both look the same. She should not notice any difference."Sharmut smiled.

"Only kings can have her."S stared at him bitterly.

"Ok, you are in charge as the Snake King, but you will listen to me."Sharmut decided."It will be easier if you just take on your brother's name and queen, so nobody will notice." he smiled cheekily.

"Thank you, father, but why do you need mother for?"S was worried.

"I'm locking her in again. I want to have what is mine."Sharmut chuckled.

"But father, she was not happy here."S furrowed his brows.

"That is her problem."Father shook his head.

"Well, in that case, you should check on Sharchan, if he is really hibernating." S wiggled uncomfortably."You don't want to enrage him."

"Sure. Where is he?"Sharmut's eyes lit up.

"Next to the crystal, just close the bottle, father, so it doesn't freeze all castle."S smiled gently.

Sharmut went deep underground. He passed the snow and saw the Sharchan's hibernating snake body. It already started to look like a snowy mountain...

He reached for the crystal bottle which was lying down on the table but froze as he touched it so fast, he hardly managed to change into a snake to protect his life...

S waited for a while and when his father did not come back, he went to check on him. He entered the deep underground room carefully, his hands covered in thick skins and crystal gloves. He passed the snow and two frozen snake-shaped mountains.

"Sleep tight brother, father... "S looked at frozen snake bodies covered in snow. He closed the freezing bottle carefully with his heavy leather and crystal gloves. He also got them from the Northern Mermaid tribe. It was made of shark skin and encrusted with protective crystals. It was nothing in the bottle. The crystal itself had the shape of a bottle...It was a sneaky trap!

"I promise to take good care of the mother, father. She stays free and happy. And I take good care of your queen brother, she will not notice that I am not you. Her little world will be perfect."He smiled gently. "And lastly will I take care of our kingdom, as its new king, I will be just and fair, mostly, if it will be good for me," he chuckled and went out. He closed the iron door and suddenly stood face to face with old Sharchan's servant Akita!

"You betrayed the king and your father!"Akita called enraged.

"No, they just decided to go hibernate early."S smiled sneakily. He hated that servant. He was always going on his nerves.

"How could you?"Akita was staring in disbelief.

"Shush."S looked at him.

"I will tell everyone." the old servant tried to run fast up the stairs.

"Stupid old fool..."S sighed."I think, rather keep it secret."S threw a dagger into Akita's back. The old man rolled down the stairs to S's feet unconscious. S took his dagger out and cleaned the blood on his already messed up tunic. He picked up the old servant and chucked him into the snowy room as well. Then he closed the door properly.

"I never liked him anyway," he straighten his clothes and went to look around his new castle...

S smiled at his thoughts. His plans were working so well!

"Now, I will need to take over Sharchan's queen."He smiled in his mind." With her sweet and kind nature, it should not be a problem." he nodded his head satisfied. S rested for a bit more on that tree and then he slithered back to the Snake Castle very early in the morning.

S was thinking about his new queen on his way back and became kind of jealous, so he went to check on Sienna and Ziran. Sienna slept soundly in her bed and Ziran was laying in his tiger form by the window. He just opened his shiny tiger eyes at the sound of the opening door.

S looked into his shiny eyes and nodded. They understood each other suddenly!

Ziran watched S leave and bit his lips. He could see into the Sharchan's younger brother's soul for a little and became utterly puzzled!