
"Behind me!" A young man shouted, he held a sword in his hands, while using an exquisite footwork technique to move.

He swept through the pack of wolves, without much struggle.

The young man quickly turned around as the fang of a wolf brushed against his clothes.

'I have to react faster, I need to utilize my footwork better since I don't have infinite Qi... I am getting fatigue too...' With that thought, Shang Di locked his eyes on the last wolf standing as he rushed forward it.

The wolf then waited for his flash as it dodged, sadly it didn't work out too well for the wolf as Shang Di used his Silent Darkness Steps to get behind it to hit it fatally.

"Hufff...Huff... It's really getting exhausting.." Shang Di gasped a bit as he spoke to himself. He was fighting for 1 hour already and has killed 10 wolves plus-minus 1-2.

'Each time I killed a wolf the SP amount I received was reduced, so in the end I can only earn 10 SP per slayed beast.'

[The host is wrong. The stronger the host gets the less SP he gets for slaying beasts in the same realm, however, if the host would kill a beast with a higher cultivation realm the host would receive more SP.]

'Hmm... System what realm am I at?'

[The host has advanced to the 9th realm of Qi Gathering at peak level since the host has fought beasts and could adjust fast, the host naturally got stronger while fighting.

The system recommends a meditation session to let the host's body rest and breakthrough to the next realm.]

Shang Di nodded in satisfaction as he walked for a bit and sat under a tree making sure he had somewhat of a safe spot. Before meditating he checked his SP.

[SP: 310]

"If I keep it up like that I will be able to get the 1000 SP in 2 or maybe 3 weeks depending on the rewards of the quests. Let's meditate a bit now."

He sat down with his legs crossed and he took a deep breath.

[Qi Darkness Swallowing]

The Qi in the air slowly then filled Shang Di's body and slowly he felt his body recovering, it was like a warm bath, satisfying, relaxing, refreshing, and comfortable.

His mind was clear and his breath was always the same, the same rhythm. It was peaceful.

The sun rays were falling down on him, making it look like he was blessed by heaven while the birds were chirping and the fresh wind was shaking up the trees.

He cultivated for a good 2 - 3 hours as a mechanical voice woke him up from his meditation state.

[The host has a breakthrough and has reached the Qi Condensation realm, due to the advancement of the host the system rewards the host with 100 SP, A Shop rewind, and an R-ticket.]

He opened his eyes and the beautiful sunset at the moment was much more of scenery than he could have ever thought of. Though much happened, he was slightly filled with happiness, though he didn't know why.

As he stood up he asked:

'Whats a R-Ticket?'

[Tickets can be used to unlock any technique, scripture, or in general any item - content that is available for the host.]

'Could you display me all Rare items ?'

[There are: 8 Categories and more though the host hasn't unlocked every yet.

The 8 categories that the host has access to are:

Cultivation Techniques; Martial Art Techniques; Footwork Techniques; Alchemy Scriptures; Cultivation Scriptures; Pills; Swords; Or Artifacts]

'I already have a cultivation technique same for martial, footwork and pills... A sword could be useful though, I already have a sword thanks to my martial technique. Hard choice...'

"Alchemy Scripture please."

[Category: Alchemy Scriptures


12 Ying Yang Pills

Way of the Alchemist: the beginning

Dragon Condensing (Part 1)

Pill Combining (Part 1)

21 Constellar Star Alchemist Movements

Tri- True Hell Flame

8 ways of replicating pills

Alchemist Foundation Flame]

"Why is the alchemy scriptures category so empty?" In many novels, he read Alchemist was a respected and well-known profession, though it was only knowledge from novels, he thought it would be quite similar here too.

[Most Alchemy-based Scriptures - Techniques are mostly available in the Epic and Super Rare rank.]

"I would like to get "Way of the Alchemist: the beginning." Please."

[Using R-Ticket. Are you sure ?]


[Sucessfully purchased "Way of the Alchemist: the beginning" the scripture has now transferred to the host's inventory.]

"Nice-" As he was about to look into the scripture...

[Ding! The host has triggered a quest!

Become an alchemist:

Limit: 1 day

Task: Conduct a 70% pure pill (no matter what pill)

Reward: E-Ticket

Punishment: Alchemy items - content can't be used for 1 day]

[Secret Pack has been unlocked:

Alchemists Way: Available for 24 Hours

Contents: 5 R; 20 E; 10 SR

Alchemy Scriptures: 15; Alchemy Techniques: 4; Alchemy based items: 3; Alchemy Recipes: 7 Alchemy Flames: 5

-1 draw: 2 contents; 10 draws: 21

-1 draw: 50 SP; 10 Draws: 250 (No Guaranteed; Due to price reduction.)

After first purchase:

-1 draw: 300 SP; 10 draws: 3000 SP (Guaranteed SR)

This pack disappears after 24 hours.]

"System... Get me these ten packs!"

[Sucessfully bought 10 packs from "Secret Pack: Alchemist Way" ... the host has received all 10 packs.]




I will now add titles to the chapters!

To be continued...