The Alchemist Master!

The sun was slowly falling, the wind got stronger and the birds were silent. However, close to the forest, there was a young man, he was running at an immense speed.

His eyes didn't look tired, no it was the opposite, he had a big grin on his face. He was excited.

"Soon I am there, just a few more hundred meters." The young man, who was none other than Shang Di murmured while he looked at the sky in front of him.

"Onyx City!" He shouted as he saw the walls and the light that was still burning.

Just when he arrived at the gates, two guards suddenly appeared in front of him, they looked at him, and one of them opened their mouth and asked:

"Who are you, do you have an identity token ?"

Shang Di being confused as he was, couldn't help but look helpless.

'How should i explain this...' But then he had an idea...

"I am not from here, thus I don't have anything to identify me." Shang Di replied in the hope they wouldn't question it, since it was a capital and big city they should be familiar with immigrants.

The gate then opened and one of the guards said:

"You can entry, but you still have to pay the entry fee additionally to that you have to pay a extra 2 gold coins."

"Push, Alright, that will do."

'At least I know that their currency are coins.' Shang Di thought, but then... He just noticed something...

'Entry fee... I dont have money!!!'

"Hey are you coming ?" One of the guards asked while pointing at the open gate.

Shang Di nodded, then entered with the two guards, just now Shang Di noticed what they wore. A dark armor set, with helmets that had horns on them, while their face was hidden by a mouth mask.

As Shang Di entered the sound of beautiful music entered his ears and smells of sweet-sour meat entered his nose. It was like he was in heaven, the beautiful music with the smell of sweet and sour meat was simply perfect.

However, he got snapped out of his daydream quickly as one of the guards then said:

"Please keep following us we have to identify you first and give you an identity token."

Taken aback Shang Di nodded, after a bit of walking he found himself in a room with a table and a chair, the two guards in front of him then said:

"First of all the entrance fee please." He then stretched his arm out and waited.

Shang Di had already a plan in mind and well... it wasn't a plan more of a gamble.

"Gentleman's, I don't have money on me. However I have something else that should be more than enough to verify me." Shang Di then took the Qi replenishing pill out of his picket and showed it to them.

To Shang Di, it was quite casual, however...

"I-Is that a pure Qi replenishing pill?!" One of the guards then rushed forward to see the pill as Shang Di put on a poker face and said:

"Bring me to the master alchemist in the city. Me and him have something to talk about."


A few hours before...

'When I am in the city I can only hope that they let me show off my pill. Only then do I have a chance, and when I am already at it I can try to speak to the master alchemist. I'll maybe get some information, or at least become Allie's with him...

Though this is more or less a gamble, if this works I am good, if not I am pretty much done for...'


Back to now...

The two guards looked at each other as one of them nodded, took out a token, and said something. He quickly came back to Shang Di covered in a bit of sweat bowed politely and said:

"O-One of my authorities will welcome you in a few minutes, dear alchemist."

Shang Di nodded still with his poker face, though his heart was quite filled with anxiety...

'Oh for the love of god... please let me come out of this alive...'

Just when doubts entered his mind a well dressed man entered the room.

He was about 1,90m tall, had a gentle face that looked very handsome, additional to that he had brown hair that match his dark blue eyes that looked deep like the abyss.

He wore a black robe, and had his long brown hair tied, making him look like one of the immortals often described in novels.

Just when he entered he bowed to Shang Di and spoke:

"Master Alchemist, the general told me that you, someone who was able to conduct a pure pill wants to speak to my master?" He asked politely with a smile on his face.

"Yes, I have a important matter to talk with him about, it's top secret. It's urgent." Of course Shang Di had another plan in mind, though this time it was more organized than before.



I am sorry for the late release but I thought my timer was set, however it doesn't work for me on mobile for some reason.