4. Sugai ask Fujiwara to join the student council

In the meantime, went Fujiwara return back from his run and he went inside to the dorm and want to sleep until the next morning and after he lying at the his bed but he had a call from his sister on his phone.

Fujiwara: Morita why are you calling me?

Morita: oniichan can you company me everyday went to go to the Sakurazaka Academy

Fujiwara: yes of course

Morita: what are you doing right now?

Fujiwara: just lying on my bed right after I return back from run

Morita: I'm sorry to disturb you

Fujiwara: it's okay but I need to get sleep and you too

Morita: sure

When they ended their called and we wait for the next morning and Meanwhile, the sun as rise and Fujiwara wake up from his sleep and he wear his school uniform and he went out from his dorm and he wait his sister at the girl dorm.

Back at the girl dorm where everyone was looking at him and he was wearing the new uniform with the new bag that Sawabe give him that bag.

Tamura: senpai ohayo

Fujiwara: Morita is ready?

Matsuda: wait here let me check on her

Fujiwara: okay

Meanwhile, Morita was running towards her brother and she hug her brother.

Morita: oniichan sorry for waiting

Fujiwara: is fine but let go to the Sakurazaka Academy

Morita: okay let go

While they go at the Sakurazaka Academy and after that we went inside the school and sudden the student council want ask him to join the student council with Sugai.

Risa: Fujiwara please come with me

Fujiwara: why?

Risa: just follow me

Fujiwara: sorry Hikaru I need to go to the student council

Morita: I want to follow you whenever you go I go too

Fujiwara: fine let go

When Fujiwara and Risa is going to the room full of student council.

Later Risa was knock the door at the student council and she open the door and saw Fujiwara and Morita was standing outside the door with Risa.

Sugai: please come in and you too Morita

Morita: okay

Fujiwara: don't make wait long I have class to attend

Sugai: right sorry

When Sugai taking some paper to give him and went he was looking at the paper and he see that the join the student council document while he was reading the student council.

Morita: oniichan so did you want to join them?

Tamura: is your choice senpai

Fujiwara: if I say I want to join the student council or I need to sign the paper too

Sugai: of course here is the pen

Fujiwara: okay let me sign

When Fujiwara was sign the paper of the student council and he give the letter and we left the room with the bow at them.

Fujiwara: thank you for time Sugai let go back to the class

Morita: okay oniichan

Tamura: wait are you serious join the student council with Yuka and Risa

Fujiwara: let go Hikaru

Morita: stop it Hono don't make him anger

Tamura: okay sorry

Meanwhile, Tamura and Morita with Fujiwara went inside the class and Sawabe want to hug him but he avoid him but he just only hug his sister or her friend.

Sawabe: you join the student council?

Fujiwara: yes I am can we move along with the question

Sawabe: sorry but when it start

Fujiwara: maybe tomorrow

Sawabe: please be careful went you on your first day of the student council

Fujiwara: thank for the tips

In the meantime, the class is get more excited and but half of the class are worried about him but another half is not worried about Fujiwara about him join the student council.