Chapter 16

"Why don't you take rest while I send someone with food for you?" His brows did that weird thing that made him look like he is worried for me. Almost but not there.

"Thanks. I... I think I will lie down," I turned away from him, wishing I could also turn away from the fate. What does this actually mean to me, to my search?

You are not seeing the big picture Sam. What happens when the family gets to know about this?

I squeezed my eyes shut. All this questions is seriously giving my headache. I don't even want to ponder on my husband blatantly informing me about him thinking to meet the other woman in future. I don't want to touch that with ten-foot pole.

Seriously though, what is he going to achieve by informing me that? Some Boy Scout medal?

I agree that I was the one to barge between them but don't I get to have my dignity intact? He was the one who is forcing on this farce. Then why?

I really want to bury my head in the sand and let the rocks fall wherever they please. Yes, that's exactly my new motto.

Ostrich is my favourite bird from today.

Groaning to myself, I lay on the bed thinking- 'what happened to Shirley? Why didn't she call?"


Vitali's anger could be seen in the forceful steps he took that lacked his usual grace. This is not he planned. He was thinking of some meek girl who will cower and plead before him.

Instead, he got a firecracker who cracks jokes on his expense. HIS. If he is not angry he would have laughed with her. Ingenious.

Where people fear to say a word to him, she is cracking jokes on his c*ck. She truly is not what he expected. Nevertheless, it will give him immense pleasure to crush that spirit into tiny pieces.

Yes, he will shatter her inner strength, grip his hands on her backbone and pull it out of her body. He will break her. This, he thought with some satisfaction.

"Mike," Vitali nodded as he entered his study in the mansion. His face as usual once again blank mask showing no surprise of his Consigliere's visit.

Mike Farrugia, Consigliere to New York Outfit. Consigliere actually is intended to serve the family membership, by granting a channel of communication from soldiers to the boss. In this case, from Vitali to the soldiers.

Other than Mike, Vitali keeps one other person, Sebastino DiGaetano, closer. He won't say friend but if he ever wants to talk about Famiglia, then these two are the ones he chooses.

Sebastino comes from one of the powerful families of the New York Outfit DiGaetano. Even though the Salvatore stands on the top, without a middle tier the empire would collapse.

Vitali would have preferred if these families are reliable and loyal to the Famiglia but like in any business, everyone wants to be on the top. La Cosa Nostra is no exception.

Sebastino works as Capodecina. Meaning a lieutenant of sorts usually with 10 or so soldiers working under him. He is more of brutal strength and 'kill before talk' kind of man. What makes him more dangerous than other powerful families is the street smartness he uses in getting what he wants.

Mike on the other hand, tends to do things diplomatically. He is a master with words. That's the reason why Vitali chose him as Consigliere when he became Capo. Communication is important for success. A Famiglia with secrets is as good as dead.

The Russians would prey before they could take another breath if they get a whiff of this.

"Vitali, what is this I'm hearing? You married someone else instead of Karina Rivera?" He leaned forward in his seat.

Mike is closer to his age with him being 36 and Mike being 35. Unfortunately, that's where similarities ends. Mike's boyish charm makes him look younger than his 35. His blond hair and the body of swimmer model only attracts all kinds of attention. Which from his looks, he is totally comfortable with.

"Are you here to congratulate me Mike?" Vitali asked calmly as he flipped the papers on his desk.

"You know why I'm here. Has the traitor said anything? I didn't see you killing anyone from the Famiglia. Does that mean the threat is over?" Mike gripped the desk as he asked, sweat gathering at his temples.

"None," Vitali left it at that.

"So... this girl?" Mike stood and strolled towards the bar cabinet Vitali keeps in his study. He poured the drink in two glasses, added ice cubes and extended one to Vitali.

"She is the daughter of Joseph Milazzo," Vitali said as a matter-of factly, taking the glass and joining Mike at the bar counter.

"Son of a bitch!! He has a daughter?"

"My thoughts exactly," his lips thinned in displeasure as he swirled the drink.

"Then why is she here? What is she doing here? Why didn't you-"

"Kill her already?" Vitali finished his sentence as he calmly took a sip of his drink.

"Yes. It's not like you to leave a traitor," Mike narrowed his eyes, watching him from the clear glass in his hand as he took a sip.

"I'm not leaving anyone"

"Then what is this? Why did you marry her?"

"Careful Mike. Are you questioning my decisions now?" Vitali finished his drink and placed the glass on the counter. Taking the cue, Mike uncapped the bottle and poured him another.

"N-no. But-"

"Have you ever seen a cheetah hunting? It waits patiently, watching every move of the prey until it is satisfied that it has lowered its defences. And then, it pounces on its prey, chasing over the wilds, making it run, giving it hope that it will get away if it ran faster only to land on its back and sink its teeth into the prey's neck. I want that. I want her to lower her guard, to believe me, to trust me, to blindly follow my every word. Then... only when she falls into my trap, will I make my move."

"You sick bastard. So, all this is your doing? You set up the whole thing? For her to get to the exact location where you stood with a ring in hand?" Mike asked incredulously as he poured another drink for himself.

"Of course!!! I bought her friend and planted the idea of marriage into her mind. I wanted her to dance to my tune. Why else would I take up with Karina? She is good, I give you that. But not that good to make her the wife of Capo"

"And this girl is better?"

"Sameera is... different. She is my revenge. I will enjoy breaking her"

"Why all this pretense? Why can't you directly tell her that her father is a traitor and you are exacting revenge on her? Why this rosy glasses?"

"Now, she believes I'm the 'victim' and she ruined my life. I want her to be in my debt, to feel that guilt that she has ruined someone's life. I want to see her suffer mentally"

"You sick fuck. You are one twisted bastard"

"Cheers to my wedding," he brought his glass nearer to Mike's and clicked them together.

"Does that mean you are not going to kill her?"

Vitali finished the drink and brought the glass down with a thud. For a second, he sat there looking at the glass in silence.

Mike thought of repeating his question and opened his mouth.

"Who said anything about not killing? I will kill her. Only after I break her completely. So much that there is no point of return."