Chapter 29

Sam p.o.v

I didn't look left or right. I didn't open my mouth. I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm numb all over, my body in a state of shock at what just happened, what I just did in the name of challenge.

Or was it more?

I couldn't differentiate anymore. My legs are leading me beside HIM but in my mind- I stood alone in a desert with no way home.

Just as we exit the wretched place, something broke free inside me, something wild, something that cannot be contained.

I didn't think, didn't assess what my actions will lead to, what the consequences will be. If I had an easy access to a gun I would have shoot HIM without blinking an eye.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find one nor can I lift my head to look for one. My mind is screaming only one thing on a loop- ESCAPE... ESCAPE... ESCAPE.

Vitali was busy talking something to the man who came along with us to this shit show, both of them not looking in my direction.

I need solitude, need some time to digest what occured tonight. That I cannot get at HIS house.

Perhaps, that was the driving force for my action as I suddenly sprint towards the car that was supposed to take us to his house and without looking left or right, opened the front door, grabbed the collar of the surprised driver's shirt and pulled him out with all my might.

It's more of his shock than my strength that worked in my favour for this ill-prepared escape attempt.

Before he could alert others, I slid into the car seat, shut the door and locked it for good measure.

Thankfully, the engine is already running. Grabbing the steering wheel, I whirled the car a swift left.

Before the bumper could hit my husband and his accomplice they jumped back, their faces showing shock which would have been comical in any other situation.

I took hold of the wheel, changed the gear and reversed in their direction once again. My mind has yet to register that I don't know how to drive a car from this side.

But at that time, it was not me, not my sanity but my rage steering the wheel. My hands went smoothly over the wheel, my grip stern.

Just like before, they jumped once again this time sending a body curdling glare towards me that I couldn't miss from the mirror.

"Die you bastard!!!" A harsh voice said that is so gritty that it took me a minute to comprehend that it came from me.

Before I could take control of the driving and run my husband over his own car, the man beside him took out the gun suddenly from somewhere like magic and aimed at the car.

"Bam!!! Bam!!! Bam!!!"

The sound of the glass breaking brought some sanity into my numb brain. The car is not bullet proof.

I panicked. It's only a few minutes time before they unlock the door forcefully and pull me out or worse, shoot me while I'm still in the car.


I won't die. I won't give them the chance. Grinding my teeth until I could hear the sound of them, I changed the gear once again and stepped foot on the accelerator, this time blazing past the street, into the darkness.

My driving is choppy at best. And this is a worst situation. Worse than worst. The car moved dangerously to the left, almost toppling down towards the wolf grass and unknown bottom of a dark abyss.

My hands clutched the wheel with all my might and turned it swiftly putting all of my weight behind it as I tried to took control of it.

I could hear the sound of a car behind me.

Oh, no!!! They are chasing me. No doubt to extract some more revenge for another atrocious thing they thought I did. Of course, it was HE who started it all. It was HE who began this obscenity.

But he wouldn't acknowledge. Neither would I.

What a web we weave!!

My heart jumped to my throat. My hands clammed, turning sweaty. I have no doubt in my mind that once he caught me, he will punish me for my dare.

And I will suffer through it just like I did-

No!!! I'm not going there. Not now. Too soon. Perhaps later. When I think I'm strong enough to open the wound without falling to my knees.

Perhaps, never.

But for now, I'm going to bury it in the deepest, darkest corner of my mind.

I checked the other car in the rear view. They are so close. I gnawed my lower lip with my upper teeth.

My eyes blinked rapidly. Fear- my companion since I stepped into this marriage, clutched me in its claws once again.

If anyone looked at me now, they would see a wild look in my eyes, almost feral. The need to hurt, to hide warred within me.

I couldn't concentrate on driving and checking at the car which surprisingly is not raining any bullets my way.

But I can't trust in this lapse of judgment. Perhaps, he is lulling me into a false security before finishing the job. I would not give him the chance.


I bared my teeth as if he could see my face from his car. I checked once again in the mirror and my heart ratcheted at the distance between our cars.

It's only a few feet. Suddenly, his car move faster, almost touching my car's back bumper.


He is toying with me. Teasing me to lose my focus. Distracting me.

Suddenly, his car hit mine lightly but the jerk was impactful. My body slammed towards the wheel as I braced for the pain that will follow.

He is playing with me. There is no doubt about it. It's like a predator cornering it's prey so that it has no where else to go.

Too bad he doesn't know what happens when I get cornered. I retaliate.

Clipping my seatbelt in place, I looked at the mirror with all the vehemence I could muster.

"You want to play games husband? Let's play."

Just as he was about to bump into my car, I whirled mine to right, not caring whether it will land into a ditch. Luckily, I was able to keep it on the road while his car moved past mine.

Now, he is in my hitting range. One corner of my lips pulled into a smirk. I can feel the gravel crunching under the tires as I raced the car holding the break. The hum of the engine is like a cat growl to me that is about to claw your face. Strangely, the wind is also silent as if it is holding its breath to see what I will do.

Gripping the wheel hardly, I stepped my foot on the accelerator.

"Let's see how you will feel when someone chases you."

My car hit his once... twice.

It was like tag. Hitting his bumper and then backpedaling before he could get behind my car. My unbound hair flew like a flag in the wind. A mad look entered my eyes.

I could see that he is losing patience, that my needling is working as his driving became choppy- just like mine. Oh, what a couple we make!!

We were almost on the road that leads to city outskirts. Nothing but forest surround the road and the dark night like a blanket over the sky with tiny pearls of stars stitched within.

Neither of our hits has any force behind it. Somehow, I know that we both are holding back, that we are not using full force.

Why? My mind pushed the question to the forefront. Why am I toying with him without doing any serious damage? Hasn't my trust broken yet? Hasn't he done enough? What more am I waiting for?

A line formed between my eyebrows. No. I don't want anything from him. Nothing. Neither acceptance nor punishment.

No more pulling the punches. When he didn't bother with pleasantries while treating me like that at that club, why should I?

This time when my car neared his, instead of hitting at his bumper, I pushed the pedal, aligning my car beside his.

I looked him directly in his eyes and swirled the steering wheel to the left- in his car's direction.

The hit was hard. We both felt the crash as metal grinding beside metal.

His frown is so prominent that I could clearly see it through the window. I pushed his car to the side or tried to inch-by-inch, making his left tires to miss the road and tilt the car dangerously.

One push and his car will land in an unknown ditch. I put the pace with his, trying to match his car speed as I cornered his car.

Perhaps, I was too immersed to not notice the truck that was coming from the opposite side. My focus on him was so great that I didn't heed the horn.

His face suddenly morphed into anger and then a frown appeared. Is that... worry? Is he really worried?


I scoffed, unable to decipher his sudden mood shift. Suddenly, his car hit brakes making me lost balance on my driving.

Before I could steer the car correctly, I heard the horn. My head lifted to see the truck that is only a few feet away.

My heart drumming louder than ever, I whirled the wheel a harsh left, missing the truck's side by just a hair's breadth.

However, before I could get hold of the situation, my car wheezed past the road at high speed, tilting towards the wild grass before hitting a tree at breakneck speed.

The last thought that swirled in my mind before my body succumbed to the pain is- 'I should have taken driving lessons before attempting this shit'.