Guide 1


The Harvest: The Apocalyptic event that causes the end of life on earth, leaving Michael as the sole survivor. Its true nature is a selection process whereby Ability Users are taken up by the 'Reapers', and the remaining UnAwakened die of Otherworldly Energy poisoning.

The Rip: A mysterious phenomenon that occurred suddenly, appearing like a tear in the sky, following a bright light and electromagnetic interference. After it's appearance and disappearance, Special Abilities surfaced and it is known as the cause.

Special Abilities: Powers granted by the appearance of the Rip. They are in variety, and are unique and no two people possess the same ability, though they might be similar. Special Abilities are latent in everyone exposed to the Rip, and are surfaced through Awakening. The users of Special Abilities are known as Ability Users.

Ability Users/Awakened: Wielders of Special Abilities, which make them capable of various superhuman feats. They are mostly discriminated against as they make up only 3.7 percent of the world's population, and their career choices are limited.

Awakening: The surfacing of latent Special Abilities. It is generally triggered by dangers and near death experiences, among other factors (The most significant being Floating Letters matching the name and nature of the individual's Special Ability).

UnAwakened: Individuals who still possess latent Abilities and have not yet manifested them. They consist of the majority in the total population, having an estimate of 96.3 percent of the world population.

Threefold Career choices: The three general choices an Ability user must pick to have a future in society. Failure to do so would result in suspicion, criminal charges and treason. They consist of the: Special Ability Division Unit (SAD), The Subjugators, and finally, The Zenith. There exists other career paths, but those are not generally known, and are mostly shady.

The SAD: A National body which every country possesses. They serve under the country and are further divided into state levels and zones. They mainly deal with paranormal activity, supernatural inspections and investigation and apprehending of criminal Ability Users.

The Subjugators: A body responsible for the battling and destruction of Monsters who appear occasionally, as well as defending civilians from the Monsters' rampage.

The Zenith: The most prestigious and rarest career choice. They are an International Special Ability Force. They work directly under the World Government, and are the most elite of all Special Ability Agencies.

The Seed: The Condensed and refined Otherworldly Energy used in the Rip. Fragments of it also exist in anyone exposed to the Rip, and as long as it exists within an Ability User, the person is subject to the Reaper's domination.

The Reapers: A mysterious and otherworldly race. They come from another dimension and their true origins and identities remain a mystery. They are the ones responsible for the Rip, Harbingers, Harvest, and the entire conceptualizations of society and events that unfold after the Rip. Their ultimate goals are still unknown, though it is known as the Conquest. They travel through various worlds and execute their plans, ultimately granting the inhabitants Abilities, and after a set time return to retrieve all Awakened individuals and destroying the rest.

Harbingers: They are generally known as Monsters or Netherbeasts, and are mutated beasts or semi-intelligent and unintelligent creatures. They, after being exposed to otherworldly energy transform and gain certain properties. They inhabit their Ruined World, and are called upon to invade other worlds in order to aid the maturity of the Ability Users in the invaded worlds. They range from Grade 1 to 10.

Grandmaster: The Boss of the Harbingers inhabiting a particular world, and at least a Grade 7 Harbinger. They lead large scale Invasions through stable Gates, and are considered extremely rare and powerful. All Harbingers follow the lead of the Grandmaster, and the most unique and dangerous traits of Grandmasters is their high level of intelligence.

Gates: These are spatial openings, or portals, which connect two worlds. They are mostly used for Invasive purposes. A stable Gate is rare, as most Gates appear and immediately dissipate. A stable Gate indicates a large scale invasion involving a Grandmaster.

World Government: An International entity founded after the dissolution and collapse of the previous world order following the event of the Rip. They oversee and govern all countries on Earth, and possess the most powerful group of Ability Users, The Zenith, at their disposal.

ReAwakening: It is possible for an Awakened Ability User to experience Reawakening. This causes an evolution within them as they advance from the Base stage to the Advanced stage and ultimately the Pinnacle stage.

Ruined Worlds: These are planets or worlds that have already experienced the Harvest and are either inhabited by Harbingers, or entirely desolate.

Project Inversion: The Plan to stop the Reapers and ultimately save Earth, among other worlds.