Prelude To The Unknown (Pt 1)

~Orion Academy is the only academic institute developed solely for Ability Users. It is segregated from all nations and is an independent institution. It consists of the primary, secondary, and tertiary learning required for education~

YEAR: 2161

LOCATION: Adele, Lagos State

The next few days passed by without any activity. Tenny spent most of his time watching Subjugations on his Virtual Screen, as well as reading.

Michael spent a lot of his time just sleeping in his room. The strain caused by the previous battle was taking a toll on him, and he needed lots of rest since his body could not handle that level of stress.

Kyron was staying in the Visitor's room, but spent most of his time in the study, using the computer and Virtual screens, assimilating as much information as possible.

Somehow Michael and Tenny's parents had allowed him into their home. Since he was an orphan and was involved in the recent events, he was put in the custody of the officer in charge, Frank, and his wife, Lara, pending the time he would attend Orion academy.

Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of the matter, documents on adoption were made, and the couple had to accept it without question.

After all, it came from The Major General, Lanre... all according to Michael's instructions.

After Michael had talked about training, Tenny thought they would commence almost immediately. He was very excited to explore his abilities, but he was disappointed.

"The recent events have put a strain on my body. I'll need to rest for an indefinite amount of time." Michael had said, which punctured the castles Tenny had already started imagining in his head.

Michael only gave Kyron instructions on what to do, and how to go about his study. He then told Tenny to instruct Kyron on how to operate devices and handle normal things that would seem foreign to him.

"That includes clothes as well" Michael pointed out.

This was because he had noticed Kyron was uncomfortable with clothing. However, in modern society they were essential.

He had used an ability of his to duplicate and alter Tenny's outfit so that Kyron could wear it, since he was naked back in Valeria. He also had to duplicate an attire for himself, since his own was badly damaged during his fight with Kyron. This was to reduce the suspicions the SAD agents would have.

Mr. and Mrs. Carew went shopping for Kyron and also gave him special attention since he was a peculiarity. Lara Carew was happy about a new addition to the family, same as Frank, who he had some lingering suspicions, but decided to ignore them.

Kyron was in the Study as per his master's instruction, and was reading up on history. He had learned the rudiments of the English Language, and while mathematics proved a bit challenging for him, he was coping fairly well, at least better than most earthlings.

He, however, found history to be fascinating and spent most of his time reading on it. He was usually alone in the Study, but would occasionally be interrupted by Tenny, for meals, and his newly adopted parents, for sleep and rest.

"Interesting..." Was all Kyron would say as he delved into the world of information.

A week passed, and Michael was still not responsive. He only showed up for breakfast in front of his mom, since his dad was usually not home, and after his mom left, he'd leave for his room and resume his sleep.

"Is he slacking off in there?" Tenny would often wonder aloud.

After breakfast, Lara would leave for work, Tenny to his room, Kyron to the study, Michael to his room.

The only progress made toward achieving their goal was Kyron's successful integration into the Nigerian society, and all of them being registered as Ability Users. Orion Academy applications were to be handled by their parents so it was out of their hands.

Kyron was initially unbothered about any of this, as he was convinced that everything was under Michael's control, however, after five days he started getting a bit worried.

He was even shown his new Nigerian identity, but he was unfazed about that.

His name was now Kyron Carew, with his last name being Khalid. Registered to be an orphan whose parents died in an actual homicide, with him being among the survivors when he was 9.

He was taken to various foster homes, until finally being adopted by the Carews. His Ability registered was TRUE SIGHT, explained to be enhanced visual prowess, making him seem harmless.

His National Identification Number, BVN, International passport, certificates, and all his essentials were sorted out. He would be in the 2nd year of his Senior Secondary Education, same with Michael and Tenny. Everything was in place.

Michael was asleep in his room, as he had been for a week, only waking up for breakfast and dinner. It would seem as though he was dead, if not for the constant rising and falling of his chest which indicated breathing.

Tenny had grown bored of watching Subjugations, and in impatience rushed to Michael's room to confront him.

Michael had told them that no one was to enter his room, but he could not take it anymore. Kyron was also growing in anxiety and so decided to check up on Michael in order to ensure his safety and remove his worries. Both Kyron and Tenny bumped into each other by Michael's door.

"Oh, so you too, uh?" Tenny was the first to speak up.

"Me too? Does that mean you are also..." Kyron said in surprise, as he motioned to complete his sentence.

"Bored to death," Tenny said at the same time Kyron said, "Worried about Michael."

They both paused, looked at each other, and realized their confusion. They both came for different reasons, but the important matter was that they were here, or so it should have been.

"What? You mean after a week of doing nothing but reading all you can think of his Michael's safety?" Tenny said in utter disbelief.

"It's more surprising that the brother of Master would care more about his own boredom than Master's wellbeing." Kyron countered as he was honestly shocked at Tenny's reaction.

"Ehn? What did you say?" Tenny said as his voice grew louder.

Kyron, realizing he might have offended the only brother of his sworn master, stopped himself from raising his voice even louder.

"I apologize for speaking out of bounds. I have no excuse. The wellbeing of Master is my top priority." Kyron said defeatedly.

Tenny stiffened and felt awkward from Kyron's reaction immediately.

"Bro, you just had to make this weird..."