
~Factors such as the Nature of the Ability greatly affect its evolution, as some abilities do not show any potential for evolution. Environmental, psychological, and physical factors also contribute either positively or negatively to the Evolution of Abilities~

TIME PASSED: Approximately 132 hrs. 31 mins (Day 6)

LOCATION: Valeria (Ruined World)

After spending a lot of time in the ruined world, finally Kyron won the first match, which meant progression to the second stage. Tenny was on the floor, laying down, back facing the ground. He felt numb for no reason. However, other than the numbness in his body, he felt something more intense within him. It was...

"Well done" Michael's voice rang out as he approached the two boys.

"You exceeded my expectations. I never imagined the first round would end so quickly. I guess I completely underestimated you." He said smiling at them.

Tenny was trembling. Though he could not stand properly, he wished he could walk away. He felt a variety of emotions, but the one which stood out the most was FRUSTRATION.

He wanted to win, he had worked toward it... More than he had done for anything in his life. He actually believed that he could achieve it. He was convinced he would win. After all, he had planned extensively, and everything fell into place. Then why? Why did he fail at the last minute?

He saw as Michael smiled at Kyron and congratulated him and felt a tinge of jealousy. He wanted to be the one Michael would acknowledge. He wanted to be the one to win. And he had tried so hard to achieve victory, but it wasn't enough.

"It's never enough..." He whispered to himself.

"Tenny" He heard Michael's voice call out.

Tenny hesitated. He did not know the kind of expression Michael would be making, and he wasn't sure he wanted to.

He had lost, and Michael was only interested in winners... In the strong. His eyes, which were closed opened slowly, as he carefully lifted his face to his brother's direction, bracing himself for what would come next.

"You performed excellently, you tried your best. I noticed it. You really worked hard to pull this off. And on normal circumstances you would have had an undisputed victory" Michael said smiling proudly.

Tenny felt a bit of relief to hear those words, however, he still felt a pain in his heart.

Michael had acknowledged his efforts, yes. But what was the feeling he was still having within him? Michael did not say what he wanted to hear.

He wanted him to acknowledge his strength, but since he did not win, he would have to make do with what he had.

Tenny began moving his body, which was gaining feeling back as he slowly stood up. He definitely would not lose next time, Not to Kyron... and eventually, not to Michael either.

"I lost, so I guess I have to keep training while Kyron rests right?" Tenny said calmly as he stood up.

Michael was taken aback by Tenny's surprisingly calm statement, expecting a more emotional display.

"Yea... About that, don't worry about that. Both of you should rest." Michael said, smiling and regaining his composure.

"What? You think I can't handle a little bit of personal training?" Tenny snapped, getting a bit upset.

"No, not that... But personal training won't do you much good. Not against Kyron's winning factor, and definitely not against me. Besides, why do you think I said the victor would rest?" Michael asked.

"Who knows?" Tenny said nonchalantly. " It's you we're talking about after all."

Michael laughed a bit, which took Tenny by surprise since he rarely laughed.

"Well, I guess you have a point there," Michael said, regaining his composure.

"But, the reason is that for the second stage, I won't be healing you or restoring your energy. Doing so would result in your loss, and that would make it my win."

"WHAT?" Tenny said, clearly flabbergasted. Kyron also appeared surprised.

"Surprised? Well... This is going to be real from this moment onward. Besides, I can't have myself heal you while I'm engaging in battle with you. That just ruins the order of things." Michael said, with a bit of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, you have a point there..." Tenny reasoned.


Kyron just stood dumbfounded. He had thought someone would raise the issue, but since no one did, he had to do so himself.

"Um... Is no one going to ask how I managed to win Tenny in the match?" Kyron protested.

Michael and Tenny turned to Kyron as he asked the questions, and their reactions were not what Kyron expected.

"Oh, I already know" Michael answered nonchalantly

"Oh, I totally forgot about that," Tenny said in realization.

"Wha-?" Kyron muttered painfully, a tear forming in one eye.

"Wait... You know? How?" Tenny turned to Michael.

"Well, I was observing the both of you, so of course, I'll know. Though I did not realize it at all during the match, immediately Kyron won, everything added up and became clear." Michael answered Tenny, then turned to Kyron.

"So do you want to do the honors or should I just say it?"

"Go ahead, I want to know if it's the same was what exactly happened." Kyron quickly answered.

Darey smiled and started.

"Tenny, your plan was excellent and also brilliantly executed. However, it had two flaws. The first was that you underestimated your opponent, and the second was that you assumed a lot of things"

This was news to Tenny as he said "Really? How?"

"For one, you rightly analyzed Kyron's weakness when he activates Mind Reading, and the window of opportunity you have, but you focused on the wrong target," Michael said smiling.

"Y...You don't mean...?" Tenny said as his eyes widened.

"Yes. While it's true that he had initially tried using mind reading on me, you should know that after a while he switched targets, to YOU." Michael said.

"That doesn't make any sense. Why would he do that? I'm a moving target, plus he needs a minute to complete the process. That wouldn't work for me." Tenny protested.

"Conventionally, yes. But there were factors you did not consider" Michael pointed out as he looked at Tenny's obviously perplexed expression.

"One is that Kyron's ability to improve his Mind Reading, including the time constraint."

Tenny's eyes widened as he had never thought of that, but still...

"That still can't work on me. No matter how far he improves, in just 4 days, it'll still be down to at least 30 seconds. I don't stay in a single spot for that long." Tenny said.

"You would think so right?" Michael answered smiling.

He then looked at Kyron and urged him to tell Tenny exactly how he had done it.

Kyron was amazed at how Michael had quickly grasped the situation and realized he had definitely seen through everything. His master truly was a frightening person.

"W...Well, the truth is that the time it takes to Mind-Read is relative and depends on the person I am reading." Kyron confessed.

"What do you mean by that?" Tenny asked as his confusion deepened.

"I said my Mind Reading allows me to focus on all of my target's inner and outer bodily movements to read their mind did I not? Well, Michael's bodily movements make it a bit difficult for me to see through. Even if he's completely still, no matter how hard I've tried, I still need 30 seconds at least to read his mind." Kyron revealed.

"So... That's how it is..." Tenny said, realization dawning on him. "So how long did it take you to read mine?" Tenny said, half in jest.

"Five seconds," Kyron said flatly.

"Five?" Tenny exclaimed, clearly surprised at how soon it was. "Wow!" He finally let out.

"Yes. Even if the time is short, you hardly ever stay still that long... Unless I create my own opening. That's how I was able to win." Kyron said.

"So you knew my plan... Even before I executed it." Tenny said, half talking to himself.

"Well, you gave most of it away," Kyron said.

"How?" Tenny asked, surprised.

"You became easy to read. I didn't even need up to five seconds to read you at a point. Since your movements gave it all away, it was too simple." Kyron said.

"I'll note that. But... how did you figure where I would teleport away to when I was retreating?" Tenny asked thoughtfully.

"Whenever you attack me within the one-minute window, you would then retreat 20 meters away from me. The destination would be random, so I couldn't predict it." Kyron stated.

"Exactly! So how did you?" Tenny asked a bit agitated.

"I made you hesitate," Kyron said, and this pierced Tenny.

"Y-You... You mean?" Tenny stuttered.

"Yes. The look I gave you when you were about to have your last hit. It made you hesitate, and so you didn't randomize your teleportation. Using what I already know on your pattern, I already knew where you were headed. Using full speed, it wasn't too difficult" Kyron explained.

"I-I see..." Tenny managed to say.

He was surprised. He had thought he had the upper hand, and that his preparations were perfect. But he did not know that Kyron was also fast at work in his own case too. He had indeed underestimated the enemy.

The situation was clear to Tenny now. Kyron was already ahead of him in most, if not all, departments. He had to catch up, and quickly. He wouldn't be left behind.

Michael smiled as he saw Tenny's determined expression.

"That's the spirit." He thought to himself.

Tenny had finally learned a great deal, while also improving at the same time. Michael was sure he had not realized this, but Tenny was really talented.

It would not be long till Tenny reached the Advanced stage, and it was also possible for him to reach The Pinnacle later in the future.

"I'm surrounded by geniuses," He told himself as he sighed.

He was happy though... They would be useful in the coming events.

"Now, now… That's enough talk. Rest up... in a moment's time... You'll be facing ME!" Michael said, smiling at the two boys, ready to take them on.