
YEAR: 2161

LOCATION: Study Hall, Beginner Region, Secondary Academic Grounds, Orion Inner Zone.

It was evening time already, they had been together for the whole day.

Darey attentively listened and maintained a conversation with Theo, and by doing so got more information about him. At this point, he knew everything about his new found friend, but still... He could still not learn of his Special Ability.

"Can I ask you something?" Theo suddenly said, breaking the silence that was present as they walked together.

Darey flinched a little, perhaps intentionally to seem more natural and decided to give a response.

"Sure..." Darey said, smiling calmly.

"Why did you agree so easily... To be my friend..." Theo asked hesitantly.

"Who knows, I guess I took a liking to you, just like you took a liking to me." Darey responded with a soft smile, which made Theo blush a little.