Ability Index (Theo)

Unknown: A Special Ability that allows the user to manipulate the motion of objects within his nearby vicinity. The user's left hand pulls the objects while his right hand repels any object around him, or rather, anything with mass, including air and sound.

YEAR: 2161

LOCATION: Beginner's Arena, Beginner Region, Secondary Academic Grounds, Orion Inner Zone.

Darey was conflicted on what action to take. Theo's other persona sure was powerful, but he wasn't impossible to deal with. The problem was with the restrictions he had while inside the Academy.

Since he had registered his Special Ability to be "COMPLETE INVESTIGATION" he had no combative cards to play. He could only rely on his passive strengthening ability and other non noticeable ones. Since the Arena was full of cameras and monitors, he could not unleash any of his Abilities.