
TIME: Unknown

Location: Valeria (Ruined World)

"Urhhh..." Kyron groaned as he regained consciousness.

His vision was initially blurry, and he was feeling a little disoriented. He heard sounds and voices but he couldn't quite make them out.

After a few seconds, he was finally able to move his body. He felt stiff as he moved. He sat up straight and shook his head to regain focus. He was back in his human form, and since the last thing he remembered was being destroyed by Neo, that meant...

"I... Lost...?" Kyron reflected.

"Yeah, you did..." Kyron heard a voice.

He turned around and saw Tenny, Darey and Neo. They sat a few meters from him, patiently waiting for him to wake up.

"To be honest I wasn't expecting that to happen" Tenny continued.

Kyron reflected on Tenny's words. Even he did not expect that outcome.

"It looks like I also underestimated him" Kyron said to himself.

"How long was I out?" He asked.