
Langyu mountain and Jueyun cliff are the first of the four most evil places in cangyun continent. The tomb under Jueyun cliff is called the God of death. Countless people have fallen from Jueyun cliff for countless years. Among them, there are even three powerful kings, but no one has survived.

At this time, beside Jueyun cliff, on the side of a two person high Boulder, leaning against a young man with black hair and black eyes, his whole body was bathed in blood, and countless wounds were split on his black clothes. He only stood here for a few breaths, and a small pool of blood had gathered under his feet.

His chest heaved violently, his breath was heavy and frightening, and the muscles of every part of his body were trembling slightly... It showed that he was completely exhausted and almost ran out of oil. If it weren't for the boulder on his side, he might not be able to stand. However, his eyes were as cold as two cold blades, without the slightest sign of laxity, emitting a fierce light like a wolf, with a sneer of extreme ridicule and disdain on the corners of his mouth.

In front of him, the dark crowd blocked all his escape routes.

"Yunche, you're desperate! Hand over the tianpoison beads obediently, and maybe we can spare you from death!"

"We're going to do justice for heaven today and get rid of you! If you don't hand over the heavenly poison beads quickly, I can let you die happily, otherwise I'll let you taste the pain of ten thousand blades stabbing your heart!"

"Yunche! Don't be stubborn. Now your only way out is to give it to Tiandu Pearl! You don't deserve these gods!!"

Bursts of roaring came from the crowd, and everyone roared with righteous words and righteousness. And if any person from cangyun continent passes by here at this time, he will be shocked and stunned by the lineup in front of him: this dark crowd has gathered almost all the strongest sects in cangyun continent. Almost all the leaders of these sects are present in person, even some old monsters who have been closed for many years and forgotten by others. It is no exaggeration to say that anyone standing here is a super strong enough to shake one side.

Now, they all gather here, just for the man who has been forced to the edge of Jueyun Cliff... More accurately, for the heavenly poison pearl in his hand, the first divine object in cangyun continent!

The crowd approached slowly as they threatened and shouted. On that day, the poison bead finally appeared again. In the face of this irresistible temptation, all the strong people who stood on the top of the mainland flocked to them. After three days and nights of hunting, it was finally the moment when they could harvest fruit.

"Do you... Want this... Heaven poison bead?"

Yunche sneered and raised his right hand slowly. A green ball with dim light appeared in his hand. At the moment when the bead showed its light, everyone's approaching steps stopped, and their eyes stared at the green, emitting an extremely greedy light.

These are all powerful enough to shock the world. At this time, they are so humble and ugly in yunche's eyes. His eyes slanted slowly. Even though he was in a desperate situation, his eyes were still arrogant and sarcastic. In the depths of his eyes, he was filled with deep-seated hatred: "my master has served the world all his life, saved countless lives, and did not touch or seek any fame and wealth... But just because of this heavenly poison bead, seven years ago, you so-called famous and decent sects... Pushed my master to death."

"I hate... It's no use hating myself. I haven't killed all your shit sects for seven years!"

The words are clank and deep-rooted hatred. Even though seven years had passed, two tears of blood still fell from the corners of his eyes when he thought of his master's tragic death.

Yunche didn't know who his parents were. When his master found him, he was only a few days old. When he picked up yunche, it was in the deep spring, when the surrounding clouds were light and the mountains were clear, so he named him "yunche". He also hoped that his mind would be as pure as clouds and the water would be as clear as clouds. When he grew up, he could inherit his mantle and become a doctor who could save the dead and heal the wounded and have a clean heart.

No matter how serious the disease and trauma are, you can heal safely under the master's hand. The reason is the heavenly poison bead that he has been hiding in his body. The word "heavenly poison" shows that this bead has incomparably great virulence, but medicine and poison are the same, and drugs and poisons have the same origin. Shifu didn't use any of its virulence in his life. He used all his ability of extraction and melting to make countless holy drugs and save countless lives and patients. He gave yunche all his medical skills... But seven years ago, the fact that he was hiding tianpoison beads leaked. He handed tianpoison beads to yunche and let him escape, but he died under the hands of major sects.

Knowing the news of the master's death, yunche cried bitterly for three days and nights, and the root of hatred was buried in his heart. He no longer studied medical theory, but frantically absorbed the terror and poison in tianpoison beads. Revenge became his only belief. Seven years later, he achieved great poison skill and finally opened his revenge fangs. In less than ten days, the poison spread thousands of miles, and countless people were buried. It also caused turbulence and panic in the whole cangyun continent, and attracted the saliva of those top powers. He joined hands to hunt down yunche in order to seize the tianpoison Pearl... Until here.

He looked at everyone in his sight with resentment and smiled colder and colder: "you dog bastards want to get the heavenly poison bead in my hand... White - day - dream!!"

The low voice fell. Yunche suddenly raised his hand and fiercely smashed the Tiandu bead into his mouth. With an angry force, he rushed the Tiandu bead from his mouth and into his abdomen

"You... What are you doing!"

"He... Swallowed the poison beads!"

"Don't you want to die!"

"It doesn't matter. It's a big deal. We kill people to get beads!"

Tianpoison bead entered the body, but yunche was not as poisonous as they thought. He died suddenly. Only a faint green light appeared on the surface of his body.

"Kill him right away! Otherwise, if Tiandu bead changes anything in his body, it will be bad!"

With a loud roar, a dozen people in front rushed to yunche at the same time. Looking at these figures, yunche laughed wildly, hoarse and weak, but proudly: "I didn't kill you, you don't want to kill me! You bastards are not qualified to get tianpoison beads, let alone to kill yunche. Even if I die... I will only die in my own hands! Ha ha..."

With a wild laugh, yunche suddenly released all his strength and jumped to the rear

"Stop him!!!"

When he found yunche's intention, the startled voice rang out. Five or six hands grasped yunche's direction together, but they couldn't catch any shadow of him at all. They could only watch his body fall straight down the Jueyun Cliff

Jueyun cliff is really suitable for my burial place

I've been carefree all my life, but it's a pity... I didn't avenge my master... And I didn't find my biological parents

Yunche gently held the silver pendant in front of his chest. That was the only thing he carried when the master found him. The wind roared in his ears. He slowly closed his eyes and let his body fall into an endless dark abyss