Chapter 6: unique style

When Xiao Ying was alive, Xiao lie's position in the Xiao gate was unmatched. Even the owner of the house at that time was very respectful to him. Obviously, the reason is that the amazing talent shown by Xiao Ying is destined to be the strongest of Xiao men's generation in the future. In this world where Xuanli is respected, Xiao lie, as Xiao Ying's father, is naturally respected by Xiao men. However, Xiao Ying was assassinated and died. Xiao Che, Xiao lie's only grandson, is disabled. Although Xiao lie is currently the strongest in LiuYun City, who will fear him if his son dies, his grandson is disabled and there are no successors? His position in Xiaomen also plummeted.

Xiao lie was not angry. He was used to the sarcasm of these people. He smiled calmly and said, "thank you for coming. You must drink more at the banquet."

"My face has been appreciated, so I don't have to drink. My eldest grandson Xiao Chengzhi has just broken through level 7 of the early xuanjing realm. He has also wasted a lot of time here. I must stabilize him myself immediately." Three elders Xiao Ze said as he stood up.

"Chengzhi has broken through the seventh level of Chu Xuan? He has made such achievements at the age of 17. His future is really unlimited. Three elders, no wonder you are so red today. It's really gratifying!" Xiao Cheng, the fourth elder, also got up and congratulated the third elder with a surprised look on his face.

No matter how well Xiao liehan was raised, he looked angry. These four people called him brothers in those years and showed respectful flattery from time to time. However, since Xiao Ying died and Xiao Che was proved to be disabled, their attitude towards him has changed greatly. Now they basically don't pay attention to him. At ordinary times, they show off how their son and grandchildren are in front of him countless times. Now, at his grandson's wedding hall, they are still so cynical and use their grandson's achievements to tear the scars in his heart that he is most reluctant to touch.

The atmosphere of sudden upheaval made master of ceremonies Xiao De sweat in an instant. He hurriedly oversaw all the processes under his command and shouted in a sharp voice: "the bride and groom are sent to the bridal chamber... All distinguished guests, please come to the banquet!"

In the joyful sound of gongs and drums, Xiao Che and Xia Qingyue walked into Xiao Che's courtyard after paying homage to each other. The bridal chamber is the room where Xiao Che usually lives. It has been decorated into a big red, with a big red carpet embroidered with dragon and Phoenix auspicious clouds, big double happiness words, red silk and red bands all over the room, two big red happiness candles on the dazzling Calendula stand, and the candle body is carved with soaring Xianglong and Luan Feng in gold paint; The flickering candlelight glimpses the flowing gold and glass curtain almost on the ground. The room is full of hazy and dreamy colors, isolating the wedding room from the outside world. The glittering light is dazzling.

Xia Qingyue was helped to the bed and sat down by her maid Xia Dongling. Then Xia Dongling withdrew silently and closed the door. The room was suddenly silent, and I could only vaguely hear my breathing.

Xia Qingyue sat there quietly. Xiao Che did not approach her, but stood at the door, looking at the direction outside the door, with a haze in his eyes.

"My grandfather was so bullied, but he was still in your wedding. He felt bad, didn't he?"

In his ear, a soft and cold voice came... Xiao Che looked moved. Xia Qingyue actually took the initiative to talk to him, which surprised him, although her words were quite harsh.

Xiao Che looked sideways, hesitated and said, "take down the Phoenix crown. It's too heavy. It'll be uncomfortable to wear it for a long time."

According to the marriage custom of Tianxuan mainland, the bride's crown must be taken off by the groom himself, but he was "frozen" when he wanted to help her before. The arrogant Xiao Che would never touch the mildew again. Of course, he never thought that Xia Qingyue would really want him to help take down the Phoenix crown.

Xia Qingyue paused slightly, then raised her hand, and the Phoenix crown with pearl tassels was silently removed by her. Suddenly, a breathtaking beauty was reflected in Xiao Che's sight. Her beautiful eyes lifted up. At the moment of touching her eyes, Xiao Che's eyes suddenly appeared dull... These are a pair of eyes that are so beautiful that they can't be described. It's like all the quiet blue waves in the world, which are unreservedly condensed in these dreamy eyes, even if they are the most brilliant painter in the world, The most gorgeous words are definitely unable to describe and interpret. Her skin is as fat as jade, snow like cream, crystal like jade. Even in the dimly lit room, her flower face is still snow-white, her lips are like the most delicate petals in the world, and her beautiful Yao nose is more like carved from the most beautiful white jade in the world, towering with natural nobility and pride.

"Sure enough... Worthy of reputation..." Xiao Che murmured. Looking at her eyes, there was no blinking and deviation from beginning to end. Those beautiful eyes imitated an abyss with endless gravity. It attracted his consciousness and thought to fall into it and was difficult to extricate himself.

Although he had an engagement with Xia Qingyue from childhood, except for the occasional glance when he was young, this was the first time he saw Xia Qingyue's true face after he was ten years old... Because Xia Qingyue rarely went out of the boudoir, but knew that the mysterious pulse was disabled, and Xiao Che, who had always been filled with inferiority and self resentment, rarely went out of the Xiao door, only occasionally from a few words of others, After hearing the unique charm of Xia Qingyue, I have been outlining a vague shadow in my heart.

At this time, he finally saw the true face of Xia Qingyue, and the beautiful shadow he had always dreamed of disappeared in an instant. Because the beauty of Xia Qingyue completely exceeded his imagination, he could not describe what kind of unique elegance it was. Even Xiao Che, who has two generations of memory, was confused for a long time in the face of this face.

Xia Qingyue is called the first beauty in LiuYun City, but even if someone says she is the first beauty in Cangfeng Empire, Xiao Che will never doubt that he can't imagine what kind of charm can surpass the most beautiful scenery in front of him. The girl in front of her is still the same age as herself. She is only 16 years old. The girl at this age has not had time to bloom all her beauty. In a few years, she can't imagine what the charm of Xia Qingyue will be... Maybe it will be beautiful to an illusory degree.

In the small LiuYun City, there was such a girl who could be devoted to the world with a smile. Today, this girl has become his wife... Xiao Che has a deep sense of unreal beyond his control.

"But you are different from what is rumored and what I imagined."

Xia Qingyue stood up. Her moving body curve was revealed when she got up. She approached Xiao Che and her eyes were like water, The lip flap slightly opened: "it is said that your mysterious pulse is disabled, and you can only stay at the level of Chu Xuan state all your life. Therefore, you have a weak physique, and your character has become inferior and cowardly. You rarely go out to see people. It seems that there are only your playmates, only your little aunt Xiao Lingxi and my brother Yuanba. There is only one merit in your whole body, and only looks."

"Your dark Qi is not only weak, but also turbid. There is no doubt that your dark pulse is disabled. But the rumors about your temperament seem to be all wrong."

Xia Qingyue stopped less than three steps in front of Xiao Che, A pair of beautiful eyes looked straight into his eyes: "Although you're trying to hide it, there's a clear sense of pride in your look. It's the same from the first time I saw you to now, which is quite opposite to the rumored inferiority complex. Before, in my house, I sealed your arm with Xuanli, and your reaction surprised me calmly. If your arm didn't freeze for a short time, I would even doubt whether I lost my Xuangong Effective. Just above the auditorium, you and your grandfather Xiao lie were ridiculed on such an important occasion, but there was only a moment of anger on you, and then they all disappeared. There was no abnormal fluctuation in your expression and heartbeat frequency... This state of mind is extremely difficult for even a middle-aged strong person in the spiritual realm! "

"Even when you look at me, your eyes are obsessed, but you will never be lax!"

"It's true that you are disabled, but your true character and state of mind have been concealed from everyone." In the light language of Xia Qingyue, his eyes are always looking at Xiao Che's eyes, which are as deep as boundless.

Xiao Che's heart suddenly startled.

With the approach of Xia Qingyue, an intoxicating girl's breath overflowed on his nose, but Xiao Che had no intention to smell it, and his heart was completely shocked. Indeed, he is very proud now, no matter who he is facing, because when he is in cangyun continent, he is proud of all the heroes in the world. Any one of these heroes is the supreme existence that the whole Liuyun city can't compete with. Although his strength is extremely weak, his mind will never change. This arrogance is definitely not deliberately put forward by him, But naturally. The current physique and situation also made him try to hide this sense of pride.

But Xia Qingyue broke these, even his state of mind!

All the way from the Xia family to the Xiao family, he always thought that Xia Qingyue despised him. After all, one is the Pearl in the sky and the other is the mud despised by countless people. This is a normal thing. But unexpectedly, she was observing him from beginning to end, but he was unaware of it.

Xiao Che's eyes at Xia Qingyue suddenly changed. The eyes in front of him were not only extremely beautiful, but also clear, as if they could see through the heart. Her mind was also meticulous, which surprised him

You know! Xiao Che has two life memories, two life experiences, and a state of mind that does not move in the face of heroes and death in the world! How could she see through it!

Is she really just a girl who has just turned 16!?

How could a 16-year-old girl have such a demon like vision and mind!

Xiao Che even wondered if the summer moon would come back as he did!

"Are you holding back?" Xia Qingyue whispered.

"Forbearance?" Xiao Che showed a seemingly self mocking smile: "maybe. But it's true that my xuanmai is disabled. On this day, in the xuancontinent, the disability of xuanmai represents that I can only be at the bottom of being despised all my life. Is it really cowardly, inferiority or silence and forbearance? There's a difference?"

Forbearance? Bear it! Yesterday, Xiao Che as like as two peas in the summer, and the summer moon, they heard the same thing. But Xia Qingyue, no matter how clever she is, can't think that today's Xiao Che has a whole life's memory more than yesterday's Xiao Che! Temperament and mood also change with it.

Xia Qingyue's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. Her nephrite like palm suddenly raised and stretched out two fingers. The void point was in front of Xiao Che's chest. Suddenly, a cold but not cold breath spread from Xiao Che's chest to his whole body. Just when Xiao Che wanted to ask what she was doing, the cold feeling on her body had all disappeared in an instant. Xia Qingyue also took back her jade hand and moved her fragrant lips like petals: "your Xuan pulse is indeed disabled, but it is not congenital disability. It should be attacked when you were very young, and the Xuan pulse was directly destroyed by the power of attacking you!"