

Ray noticed that the Deathless from the mound hadn't returned back to their original spot as they drove up the exit ramp. That meant there was a reasonably sized horde roaming about somewhere in Prime. He knew that they had to avoid it at all costs. The Deathless themselves were dangerous enough as it is but night time brought along its own set of challenges. Most of which he was not in the right frame of mind to face at the moment.

"Where do you want this parked?" Sheila inquired. After waiting for a couple of seconds without getting a response, she asked the question for again.

"Huh? Oh sorry." Said Ray, "Same place as before will do just fine."

"Gotcha." She said and slowed down as they neared the F block tower.

"Something on your mind?" Meghan asked him, noticing that he looked distracted.

"A lot of things." Ray admitted, "Let's get inside first. We have quite a bit to talk about."

Meghan nodded and didn't push him further.