Bloody mess


Ray went into what he figured to be the guest bedroom. He knew it because everything about the room just screamed that it was meant for visitors. It was furnished with one double sized bed with the blandest of cream coloured bed sheets, a wardrobe made of light brown wood, a side table with nothing on it and drab, grey coloured curtains in front of the window. There were no portraits or painting on the walls, no table lamps, no decorations of any kind and not even a single plant. The limited furniture made the reasonably large bedroom look even bigger, albeit a little empty.

Ray casually walked around the room and considered spending the night there. He went over to the bed and slapped it a few times. He then jumped on top of it and sunk in for a brief moment before propelling back up. A tiny smile spread on his face as he got back to his feet.

"At least it's not dusty." He said to himself. "And it's very springy too." He noted.