

"Please don't shoot!" Rody repeated again as he found himself slouching his shoulders to seem like less of a threat. "We're human."

"I'm not blind, boy." The man spat, "I can see you're not undead. But that doesn't mean you're welcome here." He added, his rifle still pointed directly at Rody's face.

"Wait, hold on." Rody said, spreading his palms in front of him, "We don't mean you any harm. We're just looking for someone. We're trying to find…"

"That's enough out of you!" The man said angrily. "Give your concocted stories to someone who actually gives a damn. Y'all just stay put and keep quiet until they arrive."

Rody wanted to ask who they were waiting for but he decided not to owing to the fact that he really liked his head to remain on his neck. He instead looked back at Samantha who remained on the floor with a pained expression on her face. Rody wanted to go to her side to check up on her but before he could do so he heard a few footsteps approaching them.