Operation S


Rody stood frozen in place as Raj stared him down. The man took a few daunting steps towards him while maintaining eye contact. He stopped when he was merely a foot away as his lips twisted into a sinister smirk. Rody realized just how puny he was compared to the muscular Raj. Fighting him off fairly was out of the question. Rody would get pummelled in a matter of seconds. If it came down to it, the only option was to punch the man in the groin and run.

Rody gulped, wondering whether it would come to that. For some reason, that seemed to amuse Raj.

"Why do you look so uncomfortable, friend?" he asked, stressing the last word. "You weren't up to something, were you?" he said, lowering his voice midway through the sentence as he mockingly darted his eyes around the room as if making sure the coast was clear.

"How did you find me?" Rody found the courage to ask.

"Oh… I have my sources." He said, giving out an air of mysteriousness.