

Anurag sat in the backseat as the engine roared to life. He suspected the noise might attract unwanted attention but he wasn't bothered either way. He leaned against the headrest and folded his arms as he exhaled slowly. He could feel the building tension around him, growing denser within the enclosed space. As the darkness overwhelmed the blue sky, the fates of everyone in the vehicle were thrown up in the air. Anurag had to struggle to maintain a poker face. The ends of his lips kept twitching, coming dangerously close to forming a smile. He couldn't afford to show his true self. At least not yet.

He felt the jeep being shifted into reverse gear as it slowly backed out of the narrow road which lead to the apartment. The vehicle turned as it moved into the main road. When they were facing forward, Rody looked over his shoulder and spoke.

"Alright. The supermarket is straight ahead, right?" he asked. "No turns or anything?"