Chapter 20

  I’m lying in a bed naked, with Hope straddling me and her arms wrapped around my neck.

  ‘What happened? Where are we?’ I ask, wondering if it has all been a dream.

  ‘Alpha Tate and Alpha Liam are dead. I have told our new pack members to bury the dead,’ she says, proudly.

  Smiling, I cup her face.

  ‘I see you’ve already adjusted to being Luna,’ I say, and she smiles.

  ‘Well, you were knocked out from the wolfsbane and everyone bowed to me and chanted Luna! So, I got them to carry you in here to rest, and they all stood around waiting for orders. I wanted to do the right thing by the dead, so they were all buried, except for Alpha Tate, Alpha Liam and Sam. I had them cremated,’ she explains, smiling.

  ‘You are a true Luna indeed!’ I say, kissing her forehead. She blushes and smiles. Swinging my legs over the bed to stand, everything sways.