Chapter 32

  Exiting the school gates, I see my older twin brothers, Theo and Leo, waiting for me. They appear bored but straighten up and smile as a group of she-wolves giggle and walk by.

  'I wish you would both stop waiting for me after school. I'm almost eighteen, but you make me feel as though I'm nine,' I growl.

  'Well, you do have the mentality of a nine-year-old,' Leo says.

  Theo elbows him in the gut, 'What Leo is trying to say is, you know we don't have a choice. It's mum and dad you need to convince, not us,'

  I sigh, 'Fine, but I bet I'll beat you home again,' I reply, breaking into a run.

  We run through the dense woods. Finally, I'm almost home, beating Theo and Leo from school.

  'I won, again,' I say proudly with hands on my hips.

  'You cheated, Lyla,' Theo says.

  'How did I cheat? You saw me running in front of you the whole time?' I argue.

  'You probably used magic,' Leo replies.