Chapter 37

  Everyone admires the love and affection Micah, and I are showing each other. Micah tucks my hair behind my ear and sweetly pecks my cheek. I snuggle closer to him and rest my head on his chest as his fingers caress my back. Then, I take his free hand and hold it tenderly on my lap.

  Leo wiggles his eyebrows at me, 'What?' I ask, giving him a look.

  'If you two continue to be so damned cute together, my heart might spontaneously combust with happiness for you two,' he smiles.

  Micah wraps his arms around me as we laugh, pulls me onto his lap, and I cup his face with both hands, and we share a passionate kiss.

  As soon as we finish our kiss, I turn to Leo, 'So, did your heart explode?' I ask him with a big grin.

  Leo clutches his chest pretending to be in pain, and falls back from the log he is sitting on, 'My heart, it's about too… boom!' He says, tossing a handful of dry leaves in the air to imitate an explosion.