Chapter 49

  Everyone has returned to the hall to continue mourning. I remain behind, standing in the rain, watching Theo and Leo shovel the dirt onto the coffin until the plot is filled. Theo and Leo place a hand each on my shoulder, giving me a sympathetic gaze before leaving me be.

  I fall to my knees and can’t believe this is happening that my beloved mate, Micah is dead and now buried. I stare at the muddy grave in a trance until a lightning bolt strikes nearby, bringing me back to reality. I look to the flowers on my right, lean over and pick some before placing them neatly onto Micah’s grave.

  After a while, I notice guests beginning to leave. I must have been sitting out here for a while and lost track of time. I almost want to laugh at the thought of time now. Realising that I’m mateless and no longer have Micah in my life, that time no longer matters to me.