Lord Talon

  The moment Soren, Nadia and I arrived at Blue Scale Rock. We could see the werewolves and Lycans were already there. My feet begin to move on their own, and the sweetest scent comes over me. Sweat begins to form across my forehead as I try to stop myself from walking any closer to the pack.

  ‘Lord Talon, is everything okay? You don’t look so good,’ Soren says.

  ‘I’m not sure. I feel strange,’ I tell Soren.

  ‘Stay here, Lord Talon. We will conduct the meeting, and you can join us when you can,’ Nadia says. I nod and gesture for them to go as I fight myself to keep still. What is wrong with me?

  I listen to the meeting, but the scent comes closer and becomes more alluring. Against my will, I walk toward everyone. Beads of sweat drip from my forehead, and I suddenly realise what has happened. I’ve found my long-awaited blood flame. My fated mate that I’ve desperately waited over two hundred years for. I shake my head, ‘No, it can’t be,’ I say.