Leaving the labyrinth of tunnels, we now enter a section with great stone pillars. They are all carved with all kinds of symbols and glyphs. The steps become softer as we now walk over sand. Lylah is intrigued by the carvings. She stops, stares at some of them, and runs her fingers over others as if trying to figure out what they mean.

  We are about to enter my favourite part of the underground. I’m excited to show her our home, but she looks sad and miserable. I can see she is forcing herself not to cry. She keeps looking over her shoulder and becomes even more depressed every time she looks back. My heart begins to ache as I realise she misses her family and home. Her shoulders slump, and she won’t look at me, keeping her eyes on her feet.

  As we are about to step into the final part. I give Lylah a small smile, but she looks away, making me frown.

  ‘Welcome to the Underground, our home,’ I tell her as we step into the vast underground cave.