Chapter 21

  ‘Happy Birthday!’ Amelia says as I wake.

  ‘Happy Birthday, Luna!’ Seth cheers. I can't help but laugh.

  ‘Who would have thought I’d be celebrating my eighteenth in a cold, dirty cell?’ I chuckle. Seth and Amelia laugh. We go silent and my eyes well up again.

  ‘Astrid?’ Amelia says, concerned.

  ‘I'm terrified. I'm meeting my wolf tonight. What if Ryker doesn't save us in time? What if James forces himself on me?’ I ponder, crying.

  ‘Let’s see if I can mind-link Alpha Ryker. James and John injected wolfsbane into me: it weakened me and hindered our connection,’ Seth says. We watch on as he concentrates, his eyes clouding over.

  ‘Is it working?’ I ask. Seth nods.

  ‘I've gotten through to Alpha Ryker!’ He says. I run to my cell door, hold the bars, and partially squeeze my head through them.

  ‘Tell him I'm sorry. Tell Ryker I am so sorry. I should not have left. I didn't want to leave!’ I yell, desperately.